Chapter 1

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My mind raced, I felt as if I were lying on a hot stove. My body was on fire. With no clear idea of what was going on, I pressed my palms to what I assumed was the ground, forcing my weight up off of it, burning the skin on my palms. I groaned quietly in agony over my melting flesh.

Why I was not screaming, or even surprised that I was wherever I ended up, I don't know, but I do know I am not anywhere on Earth. No place on Earth could be this hot.

I struggle to swallow, the dry heat having absorbed all the moisture in my mouth. I cough haphazardly, not knowing I was not alone. I lie on my side with my arms supporting me and my head sagging as I struggle for my throat to produce enough saliva again so my throat doesn't burn. In my self-centered chaos, someone appears in front of me.

Whoever was speaking to me spoke in a scratchy throated growl, "Welcome to Hell,"

A pit grew in my stomach, my mind kept looping the words. I hadn't responded in my attempts to process what must have been a joke.

"You've got to, to be kidding me." I croaked out in between struggled, helpless coughs, "who the hell are you?" After I spoke my words sounded ironic considering the current situation, but I put my thoughts aside, awaiting his answer.

"The only one that can get your sorry ass out of here in twenty-four hours, so you might want to be a bit kinder to me."

I groaned, forcing my head up to look at him. What I saw was nary a man or beast, but a grotesque mix of the two. What I was fixated on was a tall figure, much taller than me, with broad shoulders and a thick chest. He... It was wearing a suit and tie, but although overall it seems as if this thing were any normal man, atop its head were two horns, both slightly golden red. The hair surrounding was black and spiked, and the color of the skin was a normal tan, but with red and black tints here and there.

"Who... Are you?" I barely managed, I was choking on the words, sweating out every bit of moisture I craved in my throat so desperately.

"Satan's henchman," he smirked, revealing sharpened teeth much like a sharks. "Consider this community service, and I'm your parol officer. You have until midnight to prove this is all a misunderstanding, and if you don't, you're either stuck here forever, or you live your life in the mortal world with demons following you around wherever they please. Your home, your school, the grocery store, the bathroom."

His words terrified me, and I finally found the strength to somewhat stand up, "What did I even do wrong?"

The figure simply laughed and walked away, beckoning me to follow him to decide my horrible fate."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2015 ⏰

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