Chapter one

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As Y/n walked through the tall gates that led to a huge mansion, she felt really small and scared. She was going for an interview for a new job. She was really worried because the new job was being a nanny for the daughter of a really rich mafia. He was known for his cold personality. Y/n had never met  him but everybody that she knew who had met him said that he was really cold-hearted toward everyone. Though nobody knew the reason why. Some people said it was because he had a really messed up childhood, but that was just a rumor that might not even be true.

  Ashley was really excited because she was getting a new nanny today. She hoped that this nanny would  not be as boring as her other nanny. The nanny she had had before had sat in a chair all day long knitting and Ashley had been required to sit and watch the nanny knit all day. "When will she be here?" Ashley asked her father impatiently. Her father was watching Ashley skip around the room excitedly. Just then a servant entered the room and said "Mr. Jeon the girl is here for the interview." Mr. Jeon looked at the servant "You stay here with my daughter while I talk to her." The servant nodded "Of course sir."

   As soon as Y/n rang the doorbell of the mansion a manservant ushered into what looked like a living room. In the room she was told to sit down and wait for a man. A couple minutes later a tall man wearing a black suit entered the room. Y/n guessed that this was the father of the girl she was supposed to be nanny for. " You must be the girl whos here for the interview." The man said holding out his hand. Y/n nervously stood up and shook his hand. " Yep that's me." She stuttered. The man looked at her strangely "Are you okay?" " Of course I'm ok." Y/n laughed nervously "Why wouldn't I be?" The man looked at her for a while then sat down. "OK so you want to be a nanny for my daughter. Correct?" "Yes sir." "Call me Mr. Jeon or Jungkook." Jungkook said. Y/n looked at Jungkook then said ok. "What's your name?" Jungkook wanted to know. "Y/n." Y/n replied nervously. "Stop being nervous there's nothing to worry about unless you make me mad. Now let's finish the interview so I can get back to work and you can meet my daughter." Jungkook exclaimed without a smile.

   "Jason when do I get to meet my new nanny?" Ashley asked the servant that had stayed with her. "As soon as your daddy is finished talking with her." Jason patiently told the excited little girl. "But it's taking so long." Ashley whined. Jason smiled at how impatient Ashley was today, she was usually very patient with everything. "Why don't we play 20 questions? It will make the time pass faster." "OK but you have to ask the questions."

   20 minutes later Jungkook and     Y/n walked into the kitchen where Jason and Ashley were still playing 20 questions. Jungkook looked at his daughter and exclaimed "Ashley this is your new nanny,     Y/n." When Ashley looked up and saw her daddy with a beautiful young girl she jumped up, smiled  and said "Your really pretty not like my other nanny who was old and mean." Y/n laughed and knelt down to be eye level with Ashley "Thank you.Your really pretty too, I bet you look just like your mommy." "I don't have a mommy." Ashley said while looking straight at Y/n. "And daddy told me to never ask about my mommy so I don't know why I don't have one like all the other kids I know." Y/n glanced up at Jungkook but he pretended not to hear Ashley. "Ashley I have to go back to the office now but you be nice to Y/n and if she is mean to you, tell me. Ok?" Jungkook asked Ashley. Ashley looked at her daddy and exclaimed "OK daddy!" Then turned to Y/n and said "I can give you a tour of the house, come

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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