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170 years ago, the arrival of Commodore Perry in Japan marked the end of the Edo period and the beginning of a turbulent and violent era known as the Bakumatsu. In this context, a man known as 'Hitokiri Battousai' emerged in Kyoto and left an indelible mark on the pages of history during the Meiji Restoration. Renowned for his unparalleled swordsmanship, he was one of the most feared and important assassins of his time. Amidst the brutal chaos of war, he wielded his blade to shape the course of the nascent Meiji era. However, as soon as the conflict subsided, he disappeared without a trace, leaving only tales and legends in his wake. Regarded as the most powerful samurai ever to walk the earth, he earned the nickname Battousai, the Manslayer.

And so our story begins in Tokyo, in the 11th year of the Meiji period.


The legendary swordsman

Tokyo, 1878.

The sun's rays had yet to break through the clouds in the sky, and an incredibly dark fog shrouded the streets of Japan's capital.

It was at this early hour that a young traveler, dressed in a white hakama and navy blue kimono, strode gracefully through the narrow streets of the city. His forearms were adorned with black armguards, and his flowing hair, a striking shade of blood red, cascaded elegantly in a high ponytail. His leisurely pace, as if he were in no hurry, and his unusually short height, combined with the serene expression on his face, made him appear anything but threatening. Nevertheless, the daishō that adorned his waist drew attention wherever he ventured, causing others to keep a respectful distance,for it had been two years since carrying a sword had been declared illegal.

It was for this reason that a bold girl chased after him with a bokken in her hands.

"Stop there, Battousai!"

Of course, although the young woman had tried to approach stealthily, the traveler had sensed her presence from the moment she had begun to follow him. He had been able to detect the furious ki with an ease that only came from experience, not to mention that her footsteps hadn't been exactly silent. However, he decided to wait for his pursuer to make a move before reacting.

As a result, he only stopped when he heard her speak. At that moment, a cool breeze began to clear the fog, allowing for a better view, just as the young redhead turned with a calm demeanor that contrasted with the fervor of his pursuer. Their eyes met, his filled with cautious curiosity, and he took a few brief seconds to assess her. The girl was young, seemingly no more than eighteen summers old, and her blue gaze bored into him with an intense anger that he struggled to understand. What had he done to bring on her wrath?

"Hm?" he said, his voice soft as he put on a fake expression of astonishment. His eyes were fixed on the face of his 'attacker'.

"Your reign of terror and bloodshed ends here. On guard!"

He blinked in disbelief when he heard this. The severity of the accusation left him stunned and momentarily speechless. He could only utter a low and confused "oro?" in response as his mind raced to process what was happening. If this encounter had taken place ten years ago, then it would have made perfect sense, but at this moment, the pieces didn't fit. He made no further comment; he simply held her gaze, his face reflecting his deep confusion.

"Don't play innocent with me, only a murderer would break the law and walk around with swords!" she spat, her words tinged with contempt, before charging forward at full speed.

Her footsteps echoed off the ground as she lunged at him, her bokken raised high in an attack so predictable that the redhead let out an exasperated sigh. At the last possible second, he dodged her attack with an elegant display of agility and leapt into the air with a powerful thrust. His figure soared into the sky for a moment, as if defying gravity itself, and landed precisely on a narrow wooden fence that lined the deserted street. There, he kept his balance precariously, swaying carefully to avoid falling.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2023 ⏰

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