Chapter 4: Darth Vader

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The group were resting near a small lake and Ambrose seemed to be having a nightmare of a fight that leaves everyone dead. She wakes up and walks out of her tent and saw it was still dark but everyone was still awake and staying warm by the fire. She walks over to them and sits down next to Fleur.

Fleur: I thought you went to sleep.

Ambrose: Had a nightmare.

Viktor: You wanna talk about it?

Ambrose: No.

Richard, Niobi and Lance-Bertold arrive back at camp with more firewood and some animals who they hunted.

Richard: We leave at first light. We can't risk the Empire finding us here.

Everyone sits down at the fire in silence until Lance-Bertold broke the silence.

Lance-Bertold: Well, we have a couple of hours before sunrise. Anyone got any stories?

Fluer: My sister was walking to her first class at Beauxbatons, she walked into the wrong room and arrived at the correct room at the end of the class.

Viktor: I have one. Me and my sister were walking around the town we were born a few weeks before Order 66, and someone tried to flirt with her. A Wizard. I was going to challenge him to a duel, but a left my Wand in my house.

Naiobi: I have a similar story. During the Clone Wars, in the battle for London, we were all charging forward, I forgot... I forgot my saber.

Lance-Bertold: What did you pick up a stick and start beating them up?

Naiobi: One more word out of you, and I will thrash you myself.

Richard: Come on, we're just telling stories.

Naiobi: Would the great Master Richard Kazamerek be willing to tell us an embarrassing story for our amusement?

Richard: Well, when I was made a Padawan, me and a bunch of Padawan's were escorted to the training ring to see who we would be paired with. We were all up against Padawan Potter. He bested everyone who stepped into the arena. Then, it was my turn to battle him. As soon as the combat Master sounded off the bell, I was immediately put on my heels. I managed to give him a decent challenge. But I think it frustrated (Y/N). It got to the point where he unleashed a massive wave of force at me. So, being the fool that I was, returned it in kind. He and a few other Padawan's to reveal, Grand-Master Yoda. After he blocked the attack, he laughed about the whole thing and told us to continue training. The good times.

As they talk about the past, the Jedi felt a dark presence behind them and look behind them to see the Empire enforcer, Darth Vader with Gildroy Lockhart.

As they talk about the past, the Jedi felt a dark presence behind them and look behind them to see the Empire enforcer, Darth Vader with Gildroy Lockhart

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Lockhart: Jedi and Traitors

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Lockhart: Jedi and Traitors. Here for the slaughter.

Darth Vader was silent the entire time while the Jedi, Viktor and Fleur ready themselves for battle. Darth Vader slowly walks towards them as Lance-Bertold charges towards him.

Richard: Lance, no!

Darth Vader easily blocks all of Lance-Bertold's attacks and knocks him aside while Viktor and Fleur fought against Lockhart. The other three Jedi charged at Vader while he blocks every single on of their attacks, and was using the force to choke Lance-Bertold only for him to use his lightsaber to slash a Vader's leg, making him let go. Lance-Bertold was about to kill Darth Vader, only for Vader to lift Lance-Bertold up and snap his neck, making everyone stop fighting and look at Vader holding the body of Lance-Bertold.

Viktor: Lance...

Fluer: No.

Richard charges towards Darth Vader with the intention to avenge the fallen Knight, only for Ambrose to use the Force to launch Richard and Fluer away from the battle. Lockhart uses the killing Curse on Viktor who dies instantly from the Curse. Darth Vader then stabs Ambrose through the heart, killing her in an instant. Naiobi charges towards Darth Vader full of rage only for him to grab her by the neck and slowly crush her throat, killing her. Richard and Fluer got out of the freezing lake and immediately ran back to the campsite, but saw the others dead, and both Darth Vader and Lockhart nowhere in sight. They bury the others and continue their journey.

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