Chapter 1: Birthdays

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Kai and Livvy Agreste were sitting side by side in the car driving them to school, rather silent on their 14th birthday. They were not identical twins, Livvy had a sharper defined face while Kai had a softer face, but they did however, share a birthday. However, it was tough when people acknowledged one sibling's birthday, and ignored the other sibling, then things got weird when the other sibling tried to include the sibling who got forgotten. Which was typically Livvy. She didn't entirely mind it as she was more introverted than her twin brother, but it stung the most when her own parents slipped up every year and forgot about her birthday. Which makes no sense for Adrien Agreste, given his own father, Gabriel Agreste, forgot about his birthday a few times, and didn't really let him hang out with his friends on his birthday, either. But at least Livvy's parents were more chill about letting her hang out with her friends. Of course, Adrien understood that better than Marinette Agreste, his wife, but yet somehow, they both still forgot about Livvy's birthday. Livvy was sulking about her parents wishing Kai a happy birthday and not saying a word to Livvy about hers. 

"Liv, I'm sure they'll say something when we get home from school," Kai spoke, cutting into her sulky thoughts. 

"Sure, just like that time you said that last year, and they said nothing until I was forced to say it was my birthday, too!" Livvy snapped back, her pretty green eyes flashing at him. Kai sighed. 

"I told you, I'm sorry, I wish they would remember."

"What if they don't care, because you're their oh-so-perfect son and all I am is the daughter who seemingly can't do anything right?"

"You do a lot of things right, Liv, it's just they're forgetful. I don't get why Dad forgets, when Grandpa forgot all the time to him, like, he grew up with that, and somehow still forgets your birthday."

Livvy scowled and crossed her arms, glancing down at the car floor. 

"Oh. I shouldn't have said that. That makes it sound very drastic. I'm sorry," Kai realized apologetically. 

"It's whatever," she muttered under her breath.

"No, really, I am actually sorry. You should get a happy birthday from them every year on the right day, without you telling them. Where they actually remember."

"Yes, I really should. I just hope my friends remembered, at least," Livvy muttered just as the car pulled up to the school. Kai smiled as his friends spotted the car and started walking towards them. 

"Kai! It's good to see you on your birthday. How's it going so far?" his best friend, Jacques, asked, giving him a grin. 

"Slow, I suppose. Sister's struggling again with the parents forgetting her birthday," Kai replied smoothly. Jacques rolled his eyes.

"Every year, dude. Happy birthday, Liv," Jacques replied and shot her a apologetic smile. 

"Thanks, Jacques," she said with a smile back. She saw her friends appear in the doorway and instantly rushed away from Kai's side and his group of friends to them. 

"Hi guys!" Livvy said excitedly. One of the girls smiled at her.

"Hello, Liv, how's it going?"

"I suppose decently. What about you, Mary?"

Mary shrugged.

"Good enough, I suppose. Happy birthday, girl," Mary responded and turned back to the group, Rose, Elizabeth, Olivia and Izzabella. Livvy eagerly joined the group and soon, all six were laughing as she explained yet again that her parents had forgotten her birthday.

"I feel so bad for you, Liv. Didn't Adrien Agreste himself struggle through that? Yet, he has the audacity to forget your birthday? What an idiot," Rose said with a laugh. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06 ⏰

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