2. Her way with words

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Candle's POV:

It's been a few days since I got Silver to meditate with me. His presence beside me was oddly soothing, grounding in a way I hadn't expected. It was just so... 

I have no clue how to even describe it...

My train of thought was interrupted by Yin-yang snapping in my face.

"Earth to Candle!!!" Yang yelled. 

"Yang! She's probably doing one of her weird psychic things, don't interrupt her!" Yin scolded yang.

"You two, don't fight," I said calmly. They both went silent.

"Anyways, Yin won't let me drink Dr. Fizz!" Yang complained.

"Because it's not good for our body!" Yin whined.

I couldn't help but smile at their bickering. The contrasting personalities of Yin and Yang never failed to amuse me. As their teacher, I often found myself caught between their arguments.

"You two need to find a compromise," I suggested, trying to maintain the peace.

Yang crossed his arms, "Compromise? What's that?"

Yin sighed, "It means finding a solution that makes both of us happy."

"Sounds complicated," Yang muttered.

As the bickering continued, my thoughts drifted back to Silver Spoon. There was something about him that intrigued me, beyond the surface of our casual conversations. The way he opened up during meditation hinted at a vulnerability he usually kept hidden. I wondered what secrets his reflective eyes held.

I made a mental note to invite him to meditate again soon. Perhaps in those quiet moments, I could unravel more layers of Silver Spoon, just as the wind carried away the clouds during our meditation sessions.

The bickering between Yin and Yang continued, creating a background hum to my thoughts. Silver spoon's enigma lingered in my mind, prompting me to seek him out after settling the dispute between the two opposing forces of Yin and Yang.

As I walked through the vibrant landscape of Inanimate Insanity, I wondered how Silver was doing. There was an unspoken connection formed during our meditation, and I found myself wanting to explore it further.

I found Silver spoon near the edge of the forest, looking up at the sky. He seemed lost in thought, and for a moment, I hesitated. Then, with a soft smile, I approached him.

"Silver," I greeted, "Mind if I join you?"

He looked up, surprised but welcoming. "Oh, hey, Candle. Sure, go ahead."

We sat together, gazing at the clouds drifting lazily above us. The air was filled with a comfortable silence, a stark contrast to the earlier commotion.

"Thanks for meditating with me the other day," I said, breaking the quietude. "It felt different, didn't it?"

Silver nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Yeah, it did. I can't really explain it, but it was... nice. Calming."

"Sometimes, it's the moments of quiet reflection that bring out the truest parts of ourselves," I mused.

He smiled, "You have a way with words, Candle."

We continued to chat about trivial things and shared a few laughs. It was effortless, the way the conversation flowed between us. As the sun began set, it cast warm hues across the sky, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with Silver spoon that went beyond words.

Little did I know that this connection would lead us down a path of self-discovery, friendship, and perhaps even something more.

Silver spoons POV: 

She truly did have a way with words. It was almost like she always knew exactly what to say. We sat in silence until the sun completely set, the reflection of the moon shining in the ocean. Her flame flickered brighter than ever in the moonlight. 

I stared at her for a while before she noticed. 

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked calmly.

I snapped back into reality. "Sorry- I was just zoning out." I said with a light chuckle.

Candle looked up at the brightly shining moon. "It got dark fast." She muttered. "It sure did." I agreed quickly. I looked at her again, her bright flame reflecting in my eyes.

She was starting to look a bit tired, her eyes beginning to droop a bit and she yawned a couple of times. Somehow, she was adorable with everything she did. 

"You tired?" I asked in a soft tone. She just nodded. I moved closer and put her head on my shoulder, leaning on her as well. 

"Shouldn't we go back to the hotel..?" Candle asked, rubbing her eyes.

"I can carry you back if you fall asleep." I responded with a smile.

"Silver, I dont wanna fall asleep out here." She sighed, "and I dont want you to have to carry me back either."

"Fine, fine. We'll go back to the hotel." I said, getting up. I helped her up and we started walking back to the hotel together.

Candle's flame flickered warmly as we made our way back to the hotel. The night air was cool, and the soft glow of the moon lit our path. Candle leaned on me, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness. I knew that I wanted to keep her safe no matter what. I felt a warm feeling in my heart. I didn't quite know what it was yet.

"Thanks for keeping me company, Silver," she said, her voice soft.

"No problem," I replied, a smile playing on my lips. "I enjoyed it."

As we reached the hotel, Candle turned to me, her eyes reflecting gratitude. "You're different, Silver. In a good way."

I felt a warmth spread through me at her words. "So are you, Candle. There's something about you that's... indescribable." I said the last word with a small smirk forming on my lips.

She chuckled, "Well, I'll take that as a compliment."

We entered the hotel, and the lobby was quiet. Candle's tiredness was more evident now, and I couldn't help but be concerned.

"Maybe you should get some rest," I suggested, guiding her towards her room.

Candle yawned, "You're probably right. Thanks for walking me back."

I nodded, "Anytime, Candle."

As she opened her room door, she turned to me with a grateful smile. "Goodnight, Silver."

"Goodnight, Candle," I replied, watching her disappear into her room.

Walking back to my own room, I couldn't shake the feeling that tonight marked the beginning of something special. Little did I know, our connection would continue to deepen, unveiling new layers and emotions that neither of us expected.

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