The Fire Of Jacksonville, 1901

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“Dear Lord, thank you for my blessings for they are many.  Please give me strength and benefit of a steady hand. Thank you, Dear Lord. Amen. Oh, Ernest, why did you have to go a break your dang foot? Here I go.”

Matilda balanced the tray of tea and lemonade and walked down the hall to the porch.  She placed the tray on the table near window.  She observed the young men gathered around Dr. Duvall.  They seemed anxious for the conference to begin.

“Doctor Duvall, when do we get to hear about the genius break though?”

“Connor, don’t rush the day.  There’s time.  We have a gorgeous afternoon, tea and lemonade, and the blessing of a breeze.  We’ll get down to business in a bit.”

The doctor was interrupted by the squeak of breaks on a rickety bicycle whose rider stirred dust in his stop at the edge of the porch.

“Message for Doctor Duvall.”

“Here, son, I’m Duvall.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“What’s the excitement?”

“You haven’t heard?  Well, Sir, there’s a fire, big one going wild down in Jacksonville.  Some say you can see it from here.”

“Don’t exaggerate, son.  Jacksonville's nearly a hundred-forty miles from here.”

“Yes, Sir, but that's what the excitement is, Sir.”

Doctor Duvall read the message.  “He’s right, Gentlemen.  Seems there is a grand fire raging. Savannah will assist in any way possible to help.  Men the conference will have to wait."

“Connor, come with me.  Son, wait here. I have are turn message for you to take.”

“Yes, Doctor,” said the messenger.

“Here, son, have a chair and some lemonade.  It’s a long trek from the city.”  Matilda said.

“Thank you, Ma’am.”

Matilda smiled.  No one called her ‘Ma’am’ except her son.  She returned to the kitchen. 

"The Doctor's leaving to help.  Says you can see the fire from here. I have to find a way to get to Jacksonville.  My Joseph is there.  He went down to get work at that mattress factory.  Man passing through said they were powerful hungry for workers.  Joseph thought this could be his chance.  Oh, Dear Lord, keep Joseph safe.”

“Now Matilda, you can’t assume Joseph is in any danger.  You don’t need to go off to Jacksonville.  Joseph will send word.  It’s a long journey," Gracie said.

“You can twiddle your thumbs not knowing, Gracie? Get that tray of sandwiches to the porch.”

“Yes, Matilda.”

“Mrs. Duvall, excuse me, Ma'am.  May I have a word?”

“Of course, come in.  What, Matilda?”

“Seems the Doctor got a message about a fire in Jacksonville.  I've got to get down there.  My Joseph went for work. That fire's awful bad.  I got to go find him, Mrs. Duvall.”

“Now, Matilda.  Don’t get worked up.  Let me find the Doctor.  I’ll see what I can find out. There’s no need for you to go off the Jacksonville, I’m sure.”

“Please tell the Doctor I’m powerful concerned. Tell him I've got to go.  I won’t be any trouble.  Please, Mrs. Duvall?”

“All right, Matilda.  I’m sure he’ll agree with me.”

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