Why do people care once it's too late?

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"You are worthless and nobody loves you! I don't understand why you go and meet celebrities, they don't even care about you, they think you are a freak, just like I do! Oh and Ashton didn't mean anything he said, you just did it for all the attention, you annoying little attention seeker!" That is what Sarah, a sweet, caring and polite fifteen year old had to put up with every time she met someone who made her happy; she never did anything wrong but she was treated like that due to jealousy.

It was Monday morning and Sarah had just walked through the gates of her school when she heard that being yelled at her, because Sarah hears it so often she started believing in what she heard. Sarah instantly thought about her experience yesterday and wondered if Ashton really meant what he said.

Yesterday Sarah had gone to meet her biggest idols, Five Seconds of Summer, at the airport. They were flying in from Sydney as they had a show in Brisbane, Sarah wasn't able to go to their show but she really wanted to see her idols. When she got to the airport there was only four other fans waiting. Sarah went and sat down waiting for the plane to arrive when the four other fans, Caitie, Tash, Taylor and Ebony walked over and introduced themselves; they started talking about the boys and how far they have came in the past four years.

As the girls were talking, the time until the boys arrival got closer and more groups of fans came. Sarah started to worry that she wasn't going to meet Five Seconds of Summer as the crowd was nearing 90 fans; she feared that the boys would take the tarmac because of the crowd. After waiting another half an hour the plane landed, the boys were walking out the corridor, that's when Sarah froze with a shock as they were right in front of her. As Ashton walked towards his luggage, Sarah realised that now was her chance to meet her idols.

Sarah called out to Ashton causing him to turn around, smile and walk her way. Once he reached her, he pulled her into a tight hug as he could see the emotions on her face; Sarah started crying as she couldn't believe that this was happening. Ashton noticed she was crying so he leant back, put his hand under her chin making her face him, he told her everything would be ok and that she didn't need to cry.

Sarah went to wipe away her tears when Ashton lightly grabbed hold of her hands as he saw the scars on her lower arms, he pulled her wrists up to his lips and he placed kisses on her scars. Ashton looked into Sarah's eyes and said, "Sweetie, what's your name?", "Sarah", she quickly whispered her response. Ashton placed his hands in hers and said, "Sarah, please don't ever cut again! What is your twitter name, I will follow you and if you ever feel the need to cut, send me and direct message and I will talk to you about it." As he said that he let go of one of Sarah's hands and pulled out his phone, brought up twitter and passed her his phone letting her type in her username and following her back. Sarah softly replied, "Thank you Ashton, it really means a lot!"

Sarah walked away from Ashton and went to meet the other three boys, where she thanked them for everything they have done and grabbed a few pictures with each of them. Sarah didn't mind that her meeting with Michael, Luke and Calum were rushed because she knew she had spent a while with Ashton.

Sarah went and found her new friends, saying a quick goodbye and that she will keep in touch with them on Facebook. Sarah walked to the train station and hopped on her train, as she was still down waiting for the train to leave she realised that she didn't get a photo with Ashton. She was annoyed at herself but was also happy that she still got to meet all four boys especially Ashton and that he followed her back. What Sarah didn't realise is that Ebony had recorded Sarah meeting Ashton and had uploaded it on Facebook.

When Sarah got home and went on Facebook she wondered why she had so many new friend request, messages and notifications. She clicked on her notifications and saw that Ebony had tagged her in a video and that a lot of fans were commenting on the video. Sarah played the video and came to realisation that the video was of her meeting Ashton; she was overwhelmed that she had proof and something to look at to remind her that she met Ashton. Sarah read the caption and laughed to herself as Ebony captioned the video 'This lovely girl meeting Ashton Irwin today, goals 💖 - with Sarah Lewis. She then began to read the comments and was now crying because of the hate she was receiving from fans and people from her school, they were saying that it was all for attention, of course there was nice comments but Sarah didn't seem to see them throughout all the hate.

Her mind went start to finding something sharp when all of a sudden what Ashton said earlier popped into her mind, she chose to log off all internet sites, go to bed and see what happens tomorrow as she had school. Sarah had a feeling that she would be yelled abuse at tomorrow but hoped just once it would all be different.

Sarah's feeling was right as she was trying to walk to class while she was still getting insults thrown at her, she couldn't handle it anymore she ran towards the toilets and locked herself in a cubical as tears poured down her face. She wanted to know why she deserved this, she scream "What have I done to deserve all this hate?" Once she calmed down, she walked to the sink, wet her face and left the toilets heading towards the office, she asked if they could call her mum as she wasn't feeling well.

The lady at the office had called her mum and she was allowed to walk home, the walk home wasn't very long but it was long enough for her to think about all the hate she had received in the past 15 hours. Sarah made it home, when she got inside she threw her bag on her bed, curled up in a ball and cried.

While she was crying she was thinking about ways to end all of her pain, she went into her bathroom and found a razor, she pressed it again her skin and said, "I'm sorry Ashton..." but that wasn't enough she needed more of a relief. She thought of another sharp object, that is when she walked into the kitchen a grabbed a knife, she went back to the bathroom and pressed the knife on her blood stained skin this time she felt the relief she needed until everything around her started going black; she couldn't see or feel anything now.

A couple of hours later Sarah's mother called to see if she was feeling better, when there was no answer her mother though she was sleep so she just texted her asking if she was feeling better and that she would be home in a couple more hours. When her mum arrived home she called out and there was no answer so her mum went looking for her, when she opened the bathroom door she ran to her daughter, pulled her lifeless body into a hug and cried. Her mother didn't understand, she always saw her baby girl with a smile on her face. Her mum went on to her laptop and logged on to all of her social media sites and saw the hate she was receiving.

Over the next few days people found out what happened to Sarah and all of her social media sites were inundated with message of sorrow and condolences. Ashton saw that the beautiful young girl he met on Sunday had taken her life, he was upset but he didn't know the pain she was suffering. Even after she left because of the harsh worlds, she was still getting hate but it had minimised and some of the fans took the blame for Sarah taking her own life. Why did it take a young girl to take her life for people to finally care about how she was feeling?!

Why do people care once it's too late? (5sos - Ashton Irwin)Where stories live. Discover now