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Ragatha woke up to a distant scream, startling her so bad that she almost screamed as well.
She rubbed her eyes for a long moment, trying to understand what was happening. She assumed it was the middle of the night based on the Moon’s laughter coming from outside. She and Caine were probably talking again…
Even though she couldn't tell who screamed, she still wanted to make sure they were okay. Except, she almost hoped it was Pomni, even if that was wrong to think. Pomni and her had barely talked the whole week and this could be a nice time for them to actually have a conversation, not just small talk like they had never met before. Besides, how could Pomni brush her off if she was upset?

Ragatha shook her head, realizing how unethical this sounded, even in her head. Why should she hope for Pomni to be even more upset than she already is? Selfish.
Ragatha slowly dragged herself out of bed, throwing her hair up in the best bun she could manage. She tried her best to open the door quietly but it still let out an ear splitting creak, especially noticeable in the overwhelming silence that has overcome the circus. She carefully tiptoed through the halls as silent as she could, waiting for even the smallest noise to guide her, feeling extra curious now on what was happening.
She stopped herself in front of Pomni's room after hearing a quieter scream. It was definitely Pomni. What was happening? Ragatha's Hands slightly trembled as she knocked on Pomni's door, as always.

“Pomni..?” She called out to no avail. Screw it. Ragatha winced as she opened the door..

“R-ragatha? W-what are you doing here?” Pomni jolted up from her bed immediately, obviously struggling to keep her composure.
“I heard screaming, are you okay?” Ragatha stepped closer, setting her hand on Pomni's shoulder in a comforting sort of way.
“Yeah, o-of course I am, just a bad dream, that's all,” Pomni blinked.
Ragatha could see Pomni's eyes starting to water and her knees shaking. This was something she recognized herself to be good at, reading people.
“You don't have to lie, you know,” Ragatha frowned, genuinely worried for Pomni. What could she have dreamed about that was so bad?
Pomni looked at her like a lost puppy, with nowhere else to go as she finally collapsed into Ragatha.

“I'm really sorry,” she cried, wrapping her arms around her, letting out all of her pent up emotions.
“I don't mean to be annoying but.. can you stay with me? Just for a little bit?” She asked, looking up at Ragatha with watery eyes.
Ragatha practically melted.
“I'll stay with you for as long as you need, don't worry,” She smiled warmly, leading both of them back to Pomnis' bed.

Both of them lay silent as Pomni's thoughts ran wild. Should she be happy that she practically had a mental breakdown in front of Ragatha because now she got to be in the same bed with her or sad that she literally just embarrassed herself and would never live this down?
Sad or not, she was already feeling a bit better with Ragatha by her side. She was so pretty and always knew just what to say.. there was that butterfly feeling again.

“So, Pomni, if you want to talk about it, what was your dream about?” Ragatha asked as she turned to face Pomni, who was rubbing her puffy eyes.
She winced, recalling the dream. All her dreams have been either the same or very similar with only slight changes. Each one followed the format of her finding an exit, almost escaping, and then a choice.
The choice between the one person who had shown her anything but annoyance and who really cared for her, or a way out of this hell hole. What a tough decision..

“It was about an exit again,” she began to speak.
“I almost escaped, but you were there. I-I didn't want to leave you but something was off.” Pomni choked up.

Ragatha nodded. “Why don't you tell me more tomorrow, New Stuff? We should both get some sleep,” she suggested, pulling up the covers.
Pomni agreed, finally feeling that it was safe enough for her to shut her eyes.

Took some inspo from shinobuisgayforme !!

Also ty for the reads and votes guys ❤️

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