My story comes to an end here

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It had been two days since she entered this world, and it was a surreal experience. We had chosen not to inform anyone else about the baby because her rapid arrival was simply unbelievable. Who would believe that a baby could be born in just nine days? We needed to address this issue, especially regarding her documentation, but I was confident that with resources and a little ingenuity, we could manage it. 

 We continued to stay at Dev's home; I hadn't returned to my own place. However, my parents had gone back to my home after cleaning up the aftermath with Dev's help. Fortunately, no one had grown suspicious about what had transpired. Dev and I had decided not to reveal the visit from the "destroyer" disguised as an old man in the presence of my friends and parents. Only Antara, Dev, me, and Chitragupta were privy to that information. 

Rani remained with me at Dev's home while the others went about their daily routines. It was the third day since our baby was born, and I couldn't sleep soundly. I managed only short half-hour naps at intervals. Rani, too, seemed restless. My appetite wasn't as voracious as it had been during the pregnancy. I was back to my usual eating habits, having three to four meals a day.

 Dev had yet to return, and I was growing increasingly concerned about his delay. He had left with my parents after we discussed the name Padmavathi, which we hadn't quite decided on. He mentioned that he had some errands to run after dropping my parents off at their home, but he had forgotten his phone here, which I found rather careless of him.

 Rani prepared breakfast, and as she was on the phone with KK, I suggested, "Did he see Dev? Ask him."

 "Did you see Dev?" Rani inquired of KK, who responded negatively. 

"He didn't see him, why?" Rani asked me.

 "He said he was going somewhere, but why is he taking so long?" I wondered aloud. 

 "You don't know where he was going?" Rani asked. 

I shook my head. "Ask the chairman where he is when you see him," Rani instructed KK. 

 After breakfast, I decided to change the baby's diaper, and I asked Rani to watch over her while I took a quick shower. Changing diapers was something I had never imagined I'd be doing, and it made me chuckle when I thought about how I used to talk before having her. 

But it was Dev who had handled changing the baby's first diaper, which was an interesting experience. I was surprised to discover that a newborn's first poop was black like tar. Thanks to my powers, my body had healed perfectly, and I felt as if I had never given birth. I stepped out of the shower to find the baby sleeping soundly with Rani keeping a watchful eye over her. 

Rani was completely enamored with her, and I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of contentment seeing all the people I cared about looking out for my daughter. As the day went on, I continued to wait for Dev. However, I hadn't received any news about his whereabouts all the way into the evening. 

KK informed Rani that Chairman hadn't mentioned anything about Dev and had instead changed the subject. This made me increasingly suspicious, and my heart began to tremble with a sense of unease. I realized that Dev had taken the car to my parents' home the day before, and the uncertainty surrounding his absence was starting to worry me. 

 I took my scooter, and Rani held the baby, sitting behind me as we rushed to CG's office. It was already 8 p.m., and I went straight into Chairman's office. Chitragupta was sitting behind the desk, and KK entered the room after seeing us arrive. "Do you know where he is?" I asked, concern lacing my voice.

 "Who?" Chitragupta inquired. 

 "Dev," I replied. Chitragupta just gazed at me, his silence saying more than words ever could. He let out a sigh, and his eyes showed emotions that he usually concealed well. It was clear that something was amiss, and his eyes betrayed a sense of pain. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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