chapter 2

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The stars shined so bright this night,
Their mesmerizing twinkles an aura of astonishment.
The moon on the other hand rested quietly, not wanting to seize the attention away from the stars, therefore it lay darkly within its dimmed light.
The wind was strong and harsh as it blew roughly against her hair, tossing it through the air
As she walked along the dark and windy path of the castle garden, she couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.
She knew It wasn't the night that unprivileged her to be aware of any being around her.
though she could perceive the breath-taking perfume of every flower which helped lead the way for her to walk around the garden.

She loved the night, it made her feel secure and comfortable,
that her pain wouldn't be visible...

She stopped in her tracks as she got goosebumps and the hairs on her neck stood up,
Perhaps it's the cold breeze! She thought.
It was getting cold but she didn't want to go back to the castle yet,
Her keeper would sentence her to never-ending torture if she found out she disobeyed the Castle Head Mistress rules.
Surely if she went back to the maid quarters now she would be sighted by someone, and she didn't need a risk of such, for the night was early and many would be awake.

Usually after the day's work, late at night she would sneak away to the palace garden and enjoy the scent of the bountiful amount of colorful flowers surrounding the garden,

The garden was like a reboot session for her, no matter the trauma she faced in the day, just a moment spent in the garden would always calm her down.
She sometimes wonders if the perfume of the wild flowers where magical, for their scent worked like a potion.
"Breathe in and your mind ventures to a realm of peace"

The garden was rarely visited by people or the castle members, so her freedom in the garden belonged to her alone.
She sometimes wondered why the garden had no visitors. but really, no one visits the garden...

King Lugard was always with his loyal subjects discussing political matters, focusing on the downfall of enemy kingdoms or merging wars with nearby ones...

The queen Runice, had no taste for true happiness, she believed the world centered on Power, riches, empires, and beauty. Never hosting value on things that were real or things that last forever...

The three princes, Elenine, Dárson, and Valice either spend most of their time if not all at expensive parties or journeying through kingdoms marrying uncountable numbers of women in the name of forming powerful alliances.

Even though as a maid she shouldn't
But she felt a sense of ownership within her for this little paradise she so cherished

Suddenly, a rustling in the bushes caught her attention.
She stopped in her tracks and listened carefully, but heard nothing more.
She continued on her way, but couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched.

While she walked a thought hit her.
Perhaps the palace guards were probably watching her, wanting to tease her since she was alone. She turned around and looked both ways for any sign of guards.
She found nothing other than trees & aromatic flowers.
She hoped that was all she would come across.
She calmed her heartbeat down as she began walking cautiously

.... no one is watching u.. she said to herself.
After all, if any guards spotted her they would command her back to the maid quarters. Not tease her.

Just as the words left her mind she heard the footsteps of a few guards passing by and she instinctively hid behind a nearby tree.
She watched them as they passed her unnoticed.
Their silver armor glistened in the moonlight as they patrolled the castle on their night duties.

Just as she calmed down thinking trouble had passed away
Her heart skipped a beat for the wind changed to a freezing temperature,

She stood still like a tree, but there was a strange feeling within her.
And it made her aware someone was behind her.
"Oh, what would I do now?"
She asked herself as she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip.
She prayed it wasn't a palace guard,
The consequences of a maid caught outside of the castle at night (when not ordered) were brutal.

Her mind trailed back to the current situation at hand as she realized it was quite curious to her how she had enough courage to stand still while in the knowledge that someone or something was stalking her,
And it was obvious this being had evil or unkind if not gruesome thoughts running through its mind.

She was visibly too scared to make any move to escape... Her ears peeked up as they sensed the being coming closer.
Closer. And closer,

Her mind now is chakles with what to do or how to react, she feared that her next decision would lead her to__
'''Her kneeling in front of The Head Misstress and being punished in ways she rather not say'''.
All because she ran foolishly to the castle out of fear because inevitably someone was stalking her.
Revealing she sneaked out of the castle.  Again!

She had to do something before it was too late, but she was afraid of who or what she'd find.
She pondered on the thought of something unhuman haunting her.
And it didn't lessen her fear, her mind traveled back to the abounded part of the castle library she would sneak to most times.
She found many old books about creatures of the night and how......

Her thoughts were put on hold as she heard a voice. And it made her curious enough to turn and face the being now in front of her

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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