Whispers of the Abyss: A Promise to Conquer

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As the present timeline unfolds, the weight of the past bears down on his every step. He begins to see scenes and events of his past life, when he was still happy. "I guess it's true, when you can't find the words to express how you feel it comes down as hot tears" he said while crying.

He wiped away his tears, determined to uncover the truth that lay hidden within the shadows of his past. With each step forward, the weight of his memories grew heavier, but he refused to let it crush his spirit. As the scenes and events of his previous life continued to haunt him, He knew he had to confront them head-on. The pursuit of answers became his sole purpose, and he vowed to unravel the mysteries that surrounded him. Little did he know, this journey would lead him deeper into the clutches of the Crimson group that sought to silence him. But he wouldn't back down. He would face them, armed with the strength of his tears and the resilience of his resolve. The truth awaited, and he was ready to unveil it, no matter the cost.

He continued his quest. He let his loss fuel his determination. He had to get to the end of the abyss. He had to find the answers to becoming god like. He had to defeat the universe.

He looked up into the darkness hoping that he'll find a little light. A companion that will join him on this journey. That's it, a companion. Alexander realized that it wasn't the abyss that sent those beings it was he's fear of failure that created them. He was so afraid that he'll be tampering with power greater than him. Oh how relived Alexander felt. He then said to himself "If my fear was able to create those beings, maybe my loneliness and need of a companion can create a friend for me" but it wasn't going to be that easy. What he didn't know was he can't just create something on his own in the abyss, why? because he hasn't become one with the abyss. He just has to let his loneliness overshadow him and let the abyss feed on it. Then he will get a companion.

Alexander's realization was a turning point in his journey. He understood that it wasn't the abyss that sent those beings, but rather his fear of failure that conjured them. A glimmer of hope ignited within him as he looked up into the darkness, yearning for a companion. He pondered the idea that if his fear could create those beings, perhaps his loneliness and longing for companionship could summon a friend. However, he soon discovered that creating something in the abyss wasn't as simple as he had hoped. To forge a true connection, he needed to become one with the abyss, allowing his loneliness to consume him and letting the abyss feed on it. Only then would he find the companion he sought. The journey ahead held both challenges and revelations, but Alexander was determined to embrace the abyss and discover the true power within.

Alexander tried and tried to create a friend. He was beyond confused. "Why can't I create a friend? It was easier to create those beings" he said to himself. Disappointed, that's how he felt. He continued to wander round the abyss, his loneliness getting stronger. "At least those beings kept me company for a while, I wasn't lonely then" a sigh escaped from his lips. He kept walking and walking, tears brimming in his eyes, "goodness, why am I crying this much?" He chuckled. "I guess I just miss you guys so much, don't worry I'll become a god and defeat the universe. I'll get you guys back. I promise"

After he had made his promise, the weight of his words settled upon his shoulders, a burden he couldn't shake, and the echoes of his vows kept ringing through his every thought. "What am I thinking? I barely made it past those beings. Now I'm promising to bring them back." It was as if the world itself conspired to test his resolve, pushing him to the edge of doubt. But deep down, he knew that sometimes, the greatest promises were made in the face of impossible odds.

"I understand your hesitation," he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible amidst the weight of uncertainty. "But there's something about their pursuit that holds a key to my own truth. If I can unravel their intentions, perhaps I can find the answers I've been seeking all along."

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