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Ignore my grammatical mistakes



Good evening.

"Welcome to the seventh international...
photography competition...held here in London. Please welcome our judge for the evening. The world's renowned photographer.

Mr. Frazio Fernandez."

1 years ago

Nan, Thailand

The serrated mountains loomed in the distance covered by fog. The waterfall was Atlantis-blue. It was gushing over the rocks. The fields were glade-green. The sound of chirping chicks filled the air. In this beautiful place, a boy is running around behind he is followed by a cow.

"Ohm!" Ohm heard his mother calling him his leg slipped making him bump into the lamppost

"Argh" He groaned in pain while rubbing his head he turned and saw the cow was ready to attack him he gulped

"Hey, stop. We solve everything by talking" Ohm said he saw the cow running towards him fearing he closed his eyes covering himself.

Time passed and nothing came he opened his eyes and saw his mom holding the rope of the cow.

"Strong mommy" Ohm mumbled while fixing his shirt with a relieved sigh.

"You are trying to harm my boy?"Ohm's mom said to the cow

"What happened?"The owner of the cow came running towards them

"Why did you leave the cow open?" Mrs.Pawat asked

"If it chases my son again...I will have it chopped by the butcher."Mrs.pawat said while handing the rope to him.

"Why is every cow chasing only you"Ohm's mom asked he just shrugged

"Because I'm handsome, " Ohm said his mom rolled her eyes.



After the heavy running exercises, okay running away from the cow I'm currently doing push-ups to keep my body in shape

Well, I'm already handsome

"You fear a mere cow and here you are exercising? I am worried about what you will do going to Bangkok. "I heard my mom say while taking the clothes from the stands.

I stood up while smirking

"Don't worry, mom. I'm going to Bangkok...that cow won't be able to board the bus." I said making my mom roll her eyes

"Even if someone helps to board the cow. I don't mind because I won't give my address to that cow. "I said making my mom laugh at my stupidity

Well, that's what I wanted to see, my mom's smile. After Dad passed away Mom never smiled genuinely she would act like she was fine but I know she still didn't move on from that traumatizing day. My mom is slowly trying to move on from it and I'm as always trying to cheer my mom with my silly jokes.

"You said you found a house in Bangkok. Does it have all the facilities?"My mom asked I nodded my head

"It's a wonderful house," I said while lighting the weight

"You said the owner of the house is a madman. "my mom said making me laugh at the rules that madman

Ohm: "He is investing in new rules."

"What rules?"

"I shouldn't paint the wall or hit my nails. These two seem to be normal rules. But he says I shouldn't hand myself to the fan...or set myself on fire or jump off the balcony...he has invented these weird rules." I said with a chuckle this guy is really weird.

Can't live with you (Can't live without you) OhmNanon ffWhere stories live. Discover now