How does it feel to live with learning disabilities part two

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It is not really fun living with disabilities there are a lot of them out there some are old or new...

I have late talking disabilities and hearing sometimes. There are times when you want to give up on a lot of things... Learning at school is ready hard as well because there too much going on! But I am really stubborn to give up here what I do is ask to walk around then come back and work on it once again if it does not work out for you then ask a teacher to help or family to help.... Some of  my family  ask me why didn't ask for their help a second time or come to them from being but like I said before I like to try the first time on my own before asking for help!

By way I want to ask you if I should update or not + is this really help people with no lerning disabilities or is it help at all? I would really like to know? 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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