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Tommy couldn't cope. He broke down and sobbed until his head hurt from bawling. He saw the man from his nightmares watching him, silently judging him but Tommy didn't care, all he cared about was Molly and he only realised that after she was gone.
Tommy cried himself to sleep and he didn't bother getting out of bed, what was the point anyways?

Molly was gone. All he could think of was her. She was his everything. He remembered when she was there for him when he cried when he was happy. She loved him for his good moments and his bad, and when he was hurt she felt pain too. He never took care of her the way she did for him. Tommy was so caught up with his sleep paralysis demon bullshit, to care for her too. He never felt more selfish.

The stranger mocked him every chance he got, but it didn't affect tommy though. We all know he had more on his mind. He also couldn't stop thinking about what happened for those three days? Did he kill somebody? Rob something? His mind was spinning so much he forgot to eat most of the time,
but he needed to figure out where he went for those three days.

That was a start.

Tommy decided to ask the man where he had been. He definitely knows. The man was difficult at first, but then he kept pointing up as if it was upstairs. Tommy searched all of upstairs and when he got done searching the last room he looked at the stranger with confusion. 'You said up there's nothing fucking here.' The man laughed then he said. 'Up again.' 'Wait what?!?' Tommy exclaimed before walking into the hallway and looking at the door for the attic.

'What did you do.' Tommy demanded. The man laughed at the horror on Tommys face and didn't say a word waiting for him to go up. Tommy immediately pulled the stairs down and looked around.

He saw a person, tied up sitting in a corner.

'Oh fuck..' tommy muttered to himself. The guy noticed Tommy and he started to panic. 'Fuck!! Please don't hurt me!' Tommy stared at the stranger in disbelief. 'This, is what you have been doing!' Tommy whispered. The man just looked at him and laughed. The hostage grew even more afraid. 'I'm not gonna hurt you I promise.' 'Then why did you fucking kidnap me?!?' The hostage said before catching his breath. 'What's your name.' 'I already fucking told you!' Tommy was confused. This was all a bit much. 'My name is Alex.'

Tommy thought about it for a moment, what would the man from his nightmares want with this dude.
'Please let me go.' 'I will I promise, it's just I need to know you won't tell anyone he- I mean I kidnapped you.' 'I won't tell anyone! Please! I have a family.'
'He's lying.' The infiltrator spat. 'He's lying so you'll let him go, he'll go to the police as soon as you let him go then it's game over, you'll never see Molly again.' 'SHUT UP!!' Tommy screamed.

'You're fucking crazy.' Alex whimpered.

'I'm not I just...' Tommy paused. 'I'll let you out soon okay?' 'Wait where are you going?' Tommy left the attic. He could hear Alex screaming after him.

Tommy needed to think. What was he gonna do?!? Now all because of the man that killed his loved ones there's a stranger in his attic.

'You're gonna have to kill him you know.' 'No I'm not I'm not a killer.' Tommy snapped. 'He's gonna tell everyone if you let him go, you need to kill him and hide him somewhere no one will find him.'
'I can't do this.' Tommy's voice broke into tears.

'Tommy it's either him or you, don't be a fucking idiot.' 'But he did nothing wrong he's innocent.' Tommy  pleaded. 'You don't know that.' The infiltrator mocked. 'How would I even do it?' 'Get a knife and kill him, it's just that easy.'

'No it's fucking not, you don't get it!' 'Tommy do it or I'll do it myself.' 'Alright, okay.' Tommy said his voice shaking. Then the man disappeared.

Tommy had to kill an innocent man. For his voices enjoyment. Tommy knew exactly what the infiltrators plan was. He knew that he wanted tommy to start killing so he wouldn't have to do his own dirty work. He was going to die either way, so Tommy wanted to make it as easy and painless as possible.

Tommy thought of many possible ways. He couldn't get a gun that would be way too obvious. He couldn't use a knife either as that would hurt too much. The only peaceful way he thought of was in your sleep.

That's when Tommy had an idea.

He went to a nearby pharmacy and began looking around he didn't know how much he wanted or what he wanted he was just looking for something that would catch his eye maybe.

Then tommy saw a woman looking around then she dropped her basked full of medicine all over the ground. 'Oh no!' The woman groaned. Tommy rushed to help her. 'Here I'll help you.' He said as he picked up the meds and put it into her basket.

'You are such a nice boy!' She smiled at him. 'I've had such a hard time lately, and you made my day today, so thank you.'

Tommy smiled at her. 'I'm sorry to hear that.'
The woman looked down. 'Yeah, my son went missing about a week ago, I miss him so much.'
Tommy gulped. 'What's his name?'



Tommys palms began to sweat and he began to breathe heavily. 'I'm so sorry I couldn't imagine something like that happening to me.' The woman nods. 'Thank you, you have a good day young boy.' Tommy smiled and walked away.

The boy that went missing, Tommy had met his mother, what are the odds?!? This didn't help with Tommys guilt. Tommy tried to stay on track and then he found sleeping pills. This would be the most peaceful way for Alex to go. So he bought a few and he went home.

Tommy made Alex a sandwich and imbedded between the two slices of bread he had the pills broken up into powder, hoping Alex wouldn't notice.

Tommy went up into the attic he tried to swallow his guilt when he saw Alex's state. He looked pale and skinner, he looked starving.

'Hey Alex..' Alex's dead eyes gained life for a second when he saw Tommy. 'I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm here to feed you man.'

Alex's eyes soften, this relaxes him a little bit, making him feel a lot better. This didn't help with Tommys guilt. Knowing what he was about to do. Tommy wanted to cry then and there and apologise, but that would make it so much worse. Make him panic, make it worse.

Alex was just going to sleep, to never wake up again. All tommy could think about was Alex's mother, how much she went through cause of him.

Tommy gave him the sandwich and watched as he ate.

'Thank you.' Alex said groggily. 'What's your name?' Alex asked curiously. 'Tommy.' 'You're a good person, I know it. It's just you've got some serious shit to figure out, and I hope you do.' Tommy looked at the ground wishing what Alex had said was true. 'I hope we can get past this, and you'll let me go.' Alex admitted.

'I'm so sorry about all this bullshit.' Tommy added.
'I know.' Alex nodded at him. 'I'll let you out.' Tommy lied. His voice cracking a little hoping Alex wouldn't notice. Alex ate and talked to him a bit more.

Tommy noticed he was growing tired before he passed out. Tommy broke down. He murdered an innocent man with a grieving mother. He couldn't bear it. He wished he could drop dead to. He couldn't look at himself in the mirror normally again. 

'Oh give it up.' The man mocked.

'I killed someone.' Tommy said through sobs. 'Yeah you fucking did, get over yourself.' 'I can't, I'm not a sick bastard like you.' Tommy spat. 'You might wanna watch yourself.' The man threatened. Tommy stayed quiet.

'Okay I did it!! I'm done with your shit!' Tommy cried.

'Oh Tommy, you're not done yet.'

Tommys eyes widened with horror.

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