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song name: space - the poles

on the day of the much-anticipated party, gyuvin faced the daunting task of selecting the perfect ensemble

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on the day of the much-anticipated party, gyuvin faced the daunting task of selecting the perfect ensemble. unsure of his sartorial choices, he reached out to his friend gunwook for assistance.

dialing gunwook's number, gyuvin waited for the familiar voice to answer. after a couple of rings, gunwook's voice came through, slightly muffled, "what is it gyuvin...?"

"i'm in a fashion crisis, man. i need your unbeatable fashion expertise," gyuvin declared dramatically, holding up two shirts in front of him as if gunwook could somehow see through the phone.

gunwook chuckled, "fashion sense? you're overestimating me bro. i basically live in jeans and hoodies."

gyuvin laughed, "well, i figured even a jeans-and-hoodie expert could offer some guidance. help me out here please !!"

as gyuvin proceeded to describe his clothing options in vivid detail, gunwook joined in, offering his expert advice, "you know, go for the one that makes you look mysterious. all the bitches love the mysterious vibe."

gyuvin feigned a dramatic gasp, "gunwook, are you telling me i've been missing out on the 'mysterious' factor all this time?"

"absolutely. you need to master the art of looking enigmatic," gunwook responded with a hint of seriousness.

the conversation soon devolved into laughter as they jokingly dissected the intricacies of gyuvin's fashion choices. "alright, enough about me. what are you wearing to the party, fashion guru gunwook?" gyuvin inquired.

gunwook sighed theatrically, "i'm thinking of shaking things up a bit. maybe wear... jeans and a hoodie."

gyuvin blinked, "wow, truly groundbreaking! you'll be the talk of the town with that daring fashion statement."

their conversation seamlessly shifted to their shared memories, peppered with humorous anecdotes about their questionable fashion choices in the past. gyuvin, still holding the two shirts, couldn't help but add, "i hope ricky's leather jacket doesn't outshine my mysterious blue shirt."

gunwook quipped, "you're so down bad. and knowing ricky, he'll probably show up in a leather jacket, and you'll be there in your 'mysterious' blue shirt. the clash of the fashion titans!"

as they continued bantering and sharing laughs, gyuvin hung up the phone, feeling not only more prepared for the party but also with a lighter heart.

the night throbbed with the pulsating beats of music as gyuvin and ricky stepped into taeyong's house, where the much-anticipated party was in full swing. neon lights splashed vibrant hues across the lively scene, and the air hummed with anticipation. gyuvin, dressed in his trademark vibrant shirt, wore a playful grin, hinting that the night was about to take an exciting turn.

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