Chapter 10

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To say that Marceline was nervous was an understatement.

Her hands were cold and clammy as she put the combination of her locker in. She had gotten Bubblegum's number from her that night, and now, three days later, she had yet to actually text her.

It wasn't for lack of trying, per se, but everytime she typed out a response, she immediately deleted it.

How 'bout, Hey, Bonni, you free this Friday?Marceline thought to herself, no, that seems to desperate.

She began to walk down the hall.

What about, you, me, movies, Friday? No, that's douchey.

"Marcy? MARCEEEEEEEEY!" Marshall Lee called from the other end of the hall, noticing how lost Marceline looked.

Marceline took no notice.

How about, hey, I just met you, and this is crazy, but I think you're really cute, so Friday, maybe?

...Oh God no.

"Marcy! Wake up, girl!" Marshall Lee caught her by the waist, stopping her from wandering into the boys' bathroom.

"What's gotten in to you, girl?" He asked, taking his hands off of her and giving her a worried look.

"Oh, noth-" Marceline stopped, and thought to herself.

Marshall Lee's pretty good with the ladies. Maybe he can give me a bit of advice.

"-Well, there's this... girl." She started, and Marshall's eyes lit up.

"Does the big bad Vampire Queen have a crush?" He asked, pinching Marceline's cheeks.

She swatted his hands away. "I'm serious. I need...I need your advice."

Immediately, his expression became serious. Marceline was never one to ask for help.

"Okay. What's up?" He asked as they entered their classroom.

"Well, I need your help asking out this girl." She said, sitting in her usual chair.

"Hmm. Which 'girl' are we talkin' about?" He asked.

This was the part Marceline was dreading. She herself was out and proud, completely unashamed of being a lesbian. Bonni, on the other hand, had never, to her knowledge, dated a girl, and was rather reluctant of the whole thing.

But, she knew she could trust Marshall not to tell anyone.

Marceline took a deep breath.

"Bonnibel Bubblegum."

Marshall Lee's jaw hit the desk.


Lunch came fast for Marceline, and before she knew it, she was being stared at uncomfortably Between classes, Marshall must have told the rest of the gang what had happened.

Marceline mentally facepalmed.

"So, Marcy", Fiona began, being the first of the group to break the silence "I heard you liked... a girl."

Marceline groaned, putting her head on the lunch table.

"Yeah, Marcy. I heard that, too." Fiona's brother piped up from beside her.

"And who did you hear that from?" Marceline hissed, giving a pointed look at her cousin, who shrank in his seat.

"We, uhhh, have no idea what you're talking about." Finn tried.

"It's okay, Finn. Yeah. I told them. I figured they could help you get the crazy out." Marshall Lee said.

"I'm not crazy."

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