At night

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*It was late atleast 9 pm Sumedh didn't came back home yet Sumedh's mom told Mallika to call him . She was afraid cuz she knew Sumedh will be Angry but still she called him*

Sumedh : *picked up the call* Why the hell you called me i told you not to call me I don't want my co workers to know about you

Mallika : M-mom asked me to call you i-i didn't do by myself

Sumedh : Fine but I'm not interested to talk to you and yes tell mom that i will be late *cuts the call*

Mallika : *sighed lightly* alright he always behaves like this

*she told mom and it eas dinner time so everyone did their dinner and went to Sleep . This time Mallika didn't wait for Sumedh she went to sleep too. It was 2 am Sumedh came back to home he had a spare key so he didn't disturb Anyone opened the door and came to his room and saw Mallika was sleeping peacefully on their bed she was looking like an agel Sumedh leans closer to her while hovering over her*

Sumedh : So beautiful *mumbles*

Mallika : *she felt his hot breath on her face and immediately opened her eyes saw Sumedh* w-what r you doing

Sumedh : *puts his finger on her lips* shhh

Mallika : *could understand he is totally drunk so she didn't say anything*

Sumedh : *Pecks her lips and smirks* why r you looking so stressed wifey chill it's your husband *he kisses her lips softly then pulls out*

Mallika : *she couldn't believe Sumedh kissed her just now wth is happening she was just looking at him couldn't say anything*

Sumedh : *smirks lightly and Leans more closer to her*

Mallika : *closed her eyes tightly*

*It was next morning Mallika woke up early as usual she found herself and Sumedh both in the bed and using the same blanket she was shocked after seeing that she lifted up the blanket a lil and gasped after seeing she wasn't wearing anything she gulped lightly as she could remember whatever happened yesterday he was drunk and....*

Mallika : I-it Shouldn't have happened w-wtf i did i should have stopped him . How i will face him when he will wake up *she was panicking but got up somehow took her clothes and wore it went to the washroom*

Sumedh : *woke up rubbing his eyes couldn't understand why he was sleeping naked there as couldn't saw Anyone in his room he got up wore his clothes and sat on the bed holding his forehead* damn this headache ig i did drink a lil bit more yesterday

Mallika : *came back to their room after freshing up looked at Sumedh but didn't say anything*

Sumedh : *looked at her* do you know how this hangover will go *it seemed like he didn't remember anything Whatever happened last night*

Mallika : I-ik wait here I'm coming *she went to the kitchen after sometime came back with soup for him* have it you will feel good

Sumedh : Umm thanks btw when i came back yesterday ?

Mallika : At 2 ig idk i was sleeping *she lied*
I don't know guys how it is i just wrote something whatever was in my mind 💀
Hope y'all will like it as i said i posted early this time 😅❤️

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