The Parting

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We sat like that for a few minutes. We were both silent. We had just both confessed our love for each other after decades of what seemed like hatred. But then, the sky (if it even was a sky) got brighter suddenly. We both looked up. I heard the laughter of children, sending a chill through my body. Then I heard the sweet voice of Charlotte Emily call out.
"Come on dad, don't spend too long down there!" I looked over to Henry as he stood up.
"Charlotte?" He called back.
"Come on dad, I'll help you up!" Then a long, thin, black tentacle-like arm with white stripes reached from the brightness and unravel its three long fingers for Henry, waiting for him to grab its hand. He turned to me.
"Well then, old friend." He said in a solemn tone. "Guess this is the end."
"Goodbye Henry" I said. Then, suddenly, a robot hand with a yellow casing covered in fake yellow fur grabbed his foot from the darkness. Henry jumped backwards in surprise. He then ran over to me as the hand dragged me downwards forcefully. He reached for my hand to pull me out but I moved it away.
"It's alright Henry" I told him, "it's about time I payed for my actions, isn't it?" Then, with one last tug, it felt as if the invisible floor had disappeared, and I fell into the abyss.

I stood up. I had just confessed my love to my best friend and temporary enemy, and then watched him get dragged into the abyss. I turned around. The puppets long hand was still there.
"Are you just going to stand there dad, or are you going to come play with us?" Charlie called out again. I decided not to worry about William too much. He was a man of his word. He would always come back. It would just take time. I grabbed the long, striped hand, and was pulled upwards, into the light.

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