night shift

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November 18th 2023

Dear diary: Today I start my new job! very happy to be working again after what happened to my mother and what it did to me.. Though I am a little weary since it's a night shift at a graveyard of all things, rather spooky indeed!

November 19th 2023

Dear diary: Yesterday was pretty uneventful, a supervisor showed me around the graveyard and told me about what to expect, though he suddenly stopped talking when we found a stone angel.. No idea why, but it clearly got him spooked.

November 20th 2023

Dear diary: Third day on the job and I must say that I can see why my supervisor got scared when he saw the statue, when I walk past it during my checks I just get this uneasy feeling.. Something feels so off about them. I can't put my finger on what exactly, but I swear I saw it move when I blinked, though it could just be my imagination...

November 21st 2023

Dear diary: Fourth day on the job and yet another strange thing happened with the statue... It moved of all things, I quickly rang my supervisor, telling him it had moved to a completely different area of the fence and he just told me that kids like to mess with it during the day.. Admittedly his words of attempted reassurance didn't make me feel much better, especially considering he didn't sound fully convincing when he said it..

November 22nd 2023
Dear diary: Yet again the statue has moved, at this point I just think it's haunted or something.. I mean, my Nan used to tell me that the reason dolls are often posessed by ghosts is because they resemble people, the same ringing true for mannequins and I guess statues too, though it is still really strange...

November 22nd 2023, 23:37

Dear diary: It's not like me to write two entries in a day but whatever, I'm currently assessing the fences and such, making sure everything's secure... But the statue is.. Moving towards me? I'm trying not to be paranoid but when I look away from it and then look back it's moved even closer to me.. I don't know what's going on. . .please help. . . .

November 23rd 1923

Dear diary: I don't know what happened.. The last thing I remember is being in the graveyard and the statue slowly moving towards me.. and now I'm here, a random field god knows where, in the middle of the day no less... What on earth? Why has a police box just appeared? Who are these people walking out of it? Seriously what is happening..

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