~Chapter 13~

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I was walking in the streets at 9 o'clock. I was near our house when I felt like someone following me. So I quickened my pace and heard footsteps. I started to run. Somebody held my hands and put them in my back and tied them.

"If you scream. Your dead." A man said. Just by his voice send me shivers. I looked at him, A very big muscled man, Has his face covered.

I can tell that this guys are kidnappers.

So I readied myself and screamed for my life!

"Help!! Somebody!! He-"

"Shush!" The man said and put a gun in my side.

I felt my eyes hot, watery tears about to fall.

"Please.. don't kill me..." I whispered

The man chuckled evily.

"Yup. Not until you give us all your money. If you dont... theeen we'll kill you." The man said

Tears threatened to fall, but I won't let them see I'm scared. Hell no!

The man pulled me close to him amd whispered something.

"Slowly." He said and I gave up. Tears fell

I took a deep breath...

"Help!! Somebo-" I can't continue because he put a bandage like in my mouth

"Your dead after we get all your money." The man said and was about to get my bag and we are about to enter the van. So I continued crying.

'Minho, help me.' Was the first thing my mind thought.

The next thing I knew was the man in the floor, blood on his lips. Someone removed the bandage tied in my mouth and hands.

"Sulli?! Are you ok?!"

'Minho, you came...'

Then I blacked out.


"It seems like she fainted because of too much stress lately and She doesnt sleep that much. Make sure she'll rest when night." Someone said

"Yeah, I'll tell her that. Is there anything else?"

"No, Just do what I said. OK?"

"Alright, thank you."

"No problem."

Then I heard a door opened and closed.

I took a peak of who's sitting beside me.


What is he doing here?

"Your awake." HE said

"Yes I am." I looked at the place which seems unfamiliar. "Where are we?"

"Hospital." Minho said directly

I tried to remember and..

"(Gasp) Where did that kidnapper go? He must... go to jail in attacking... me like that!...He might attack a person again and again!" I said my heart beating fast to what happened, fear... overcoming me...

"Hey, Hey... Calm Down... I filed a case for him. My lawyer will have it covered." He said which made me relief

"You looked traumatized to what happened. You still have that fear in your eyes." Minho said

I nodded.

"I'm sorry..." he said, I looked at him

"For what?" I asked

"For not protecting you, its my job to do that, but look what happened? I'm such a waste."

For that split moment, my heart went erotic! My feelings all mixed up.

"Don't worry, I'll try to do my best , even thought were only married on paper at least something bonds us both and no one, nothing can tear that apart." Minho said and hugged me.

I was shock at his gesture and I was even more shocked that I responded to that hug. It... makes me feel... safe in his arms...

"Thank you. I'm sorry too... for saying those words earlier... they are... harsh" I said

I saw Minho smiled?

"Its alright, maybe your still confused that's why you said that." Minhi said

"Speaking about which..." I said

"How did I blacked out? How did the kidnappers fell to the floor? As long as I remember you were there." I added

"Yup. I beat them. I heard you shouting."

"Ohh.. you have a strong hearing. Also thank you. If you didnt show up, I'm probably dead by now."

Minho's face went blank.

"Don't say that, I wil not let that happen to you, especially that your important to me." Minho held my hand "And if that happens, I'll go with you."

"And there you go again with your fluttering lines." I said

Minho chuckled

"So... we are in good terms now?"

"Oh, did we fight? Its a misunderstanding Minho, so yeah... we're in good terms."

Minho smiled and I beamed a smile to him as well.

"So.. are you ok? Your cheeks are.."

Oh no... he got beaten up also?

I looked down, something stuck on my throat, my eyes suddenly watery.

"You... got... beaten up?" I said trying to control my voice

He put his hand on my chin gently and lifted my face, tears threatened to fall.

He smiled and wiped my tears using his thumb.

"This will heal for a time. How about your tramatic expierience? When will that last?"

"Your... trying to.. make.. me feel... good... you still... got hurt because... of me... I'm sorry... I'm iresponsible." I said with a breaking voice. My english wasnt that straight because of sniffing

Minho again smiled.

"We all make mistakes." He said

"How can you smile at such incident?" I asked

"I can smile because your not hurt and your ok. If something happens to you then I won't forgive myself." Minho said

He smiled again... he's really a smiley person.

"I'll go get your breakfast." He said

I gave him a questioning look.

"You passed out for 11 hours so you need to eat."

I nodded and he left.

I am lucky to have him. Even though the thing that bind that sticks us together is the marriage papers, and that is enough for me.



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Unwanted Arranged Marriage...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora