•°~just begining~°•

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It was a day like no other,well actually thats not true,I'd be starting school.For the 629th time,

because my dad travels around the world sometimes,sometimes just because I get expelled,or I burn down the school.

I've never succeeded to be friends with these mortals,not like I want to be.

I got ready for school,went downstairs and ate breakfast then just started walking to school.

once I got there,I realized I was late for class.

When I got to class the teacher didnt seem to say anything about me being late,so I just looked for an open seat and sat down.

After around 15 minutes of class I noticed this blonde girl staring at me.She wasnt wearing a pink dress or anything,unlike most of the other girls I've seen.

"Whats your problem?"I yelled.Well not yelled like shouted more like yelled like talking in a rude tone.

"Oh!My apologizes.."she apologized.

She sounded like a boy,but she had like a girl-ish haircut,so she must be a girl.


After I grabbed lunch I just sat down at the table with the least mortals at it.So I just sat down with that blonde girl,didn't seem like anyone liked her.

"Oh,good day damien!"

"My name is Phillip,but everyone calls me Pip!Because they hate me.."

she said,I was right.No body liked her.

"Then I shall call you Pip!"


"Wait-Your a boy??!"I shouted,I was so confused..

"Ah,well yes.Most people seem to mistake me for a female because of my appearance.."He said.

I guess hes a boy after all.

He was very kind to me throughout the day,it was a first.I guess we are what mortals call,'friends' now.

we walked home together,I actually sort of enjoyed being by his side but Im not gonna get attached.

★°~Dip angst~°★Where stories live. Discover now