°∞^finding out^∞°

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Oh at school I met this amazing boy named Damien he told me he was the son of satan but I didn't mind,

because I had finally made a friend..!

Or at rather I'd consider us as such!

He was a little quiet,he didn't seem to have much emotion.He was a little like that Craig Tucker lad.

But I didn't mind at all!

He was very sweet,well thats what I would call him as long as he didn't torment me with his friends.


I have been hanging out with that Pip kid,he isn't that bad..but my dad told me we are moving tomorrow and Im going to tell Pip today.

I dont really want to move..


I have feelings for pip..

which isn't good for a demon like me Im not supposed to be feeling romantic attraction to people,especially mortals!

I started walking to school when suddenly,I hear someone behind me.

Its Pip.


gosh he was adorable..

I stopped walking and turned around and waited for him to catch up to me.

but then he ran up to me and hugged me!He nearly knocked me over!

"oh damn-hello,"I said hugging him back

"Oh damien im so delighted to see you again!How are you?"

"Im fine-possibly going to pass out because your compressing my lungs-.."I said trying not to cough

He backed up,"Oh Im terribly sorry please dont hit me-!"

He used his arms to cover his face-why would I hit him..?

"why would I hit you?"I asked

"Well-Its just-usually when I do something bad I get hit and I thought that you would hit me-..."he explained

That was awful why would someone hit him for doing something 'bad'?It seems he doesnt have the ability to do anything bad at all!

"Well Im not going to hit you,and I have to tell you something-"

"Ah alright!"

I told him that I was moving away tomorrow,and the hurt look on his face made me want to hit myself!

"Oh..I-I see.."he mumbled

"But we could still walk to school together today!"I said trying to cheer him up,which clearly didn't work.

"Alright.."he said smiling softly.

I knew deep down he wasnt really happy though.

he didn't talk to me for the rest of the day,and during class he had his head down in class and he was crying.

I didn't know I meant that much to him..

But I realized if I was moving today..I had to confess to him today or never.

But I wanted to comfort him first.

"Alright class theres nothing else for me to teach today so I guess you guys can just talk quietly to your friends for the rest of class."The teacher announced.

I got up and walked over to Pips desk and tapped his back lightly.

He pushed me away and I fell back into my chair,but I wasn't giving up that easily.

I got back up and tapped him again.
"Pip please talk to me..."

He moved his head a bit so he could look at me,and he got up and hugged me.

"I—I dont want you to go..hic"

He was definitely crying,so I hugged him back..

"Im sorry,but I dont have a choice.If I knew I meant so much too you I would have done something to stay"I stated

He continued crying in my arms for the rest of class.

"Pip,can you meet me at starks pond tonight..?"

"Of course..hic..damien.."

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