The Devastating world (Ch.1)

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Part 1:
The air crackled with an ominous energy as I sprinted through the wreckage that was once a thriving and beautiful capital. Debris littered the streets, and the sky above churned with otherworldly chaos. My heart pounded in my chest, fueled by the desperation to find sanctuary amidst the turmoil. Dark entities and demons roam around, where you all can see not peace but hell.

Behind the chaos, amidst the swirling darkness, stood a man unlike any I had ever seen. His fur trench coat billowed around him as he fought, his baggy pants and boots moving with a ferocity that defied the surrounding madness. Short, spiky hair framed a face with teeth as sharp as a wolf's. He battled against the encroaching dark entities, relentlessly protecting those nearly devoured or captured by their sinister grasp.

Amid his fierce combat, a voice pierced through the chaos, calling his name: *Rybdis!* The man, undeterred, responded sharply, "WHAT!, I'm Fighting, idiot!"

I stood transfixed, fascinated by his beast-like powers. Somewhere within, a memory stirred, faint recollections of me having seen him before. My attention was diverted momentarily when I noticed a little girl trapped among the rocks. Exhausted and barely able to move, she seemed hopelessly trapped.

"This is madness! I shouldn't be part of this," I exclaimed, torn between hatred and fear.

Rybdis, sensing the urgency, rushed to aid the girl. "You're safe now," he assured her before turning his attention to me. "Thank you," he said, his tone unexpectedly grateful.

But his gratitude was short-lived as his concern turned to frustration. "What were you thinking, fool?" he scolded, delivering a sharp slap. "Demons and lost souls are prowling. You could've gotten yourself killed!"

"I was trying to make amends," I retorted, though my explanation seemed lost amidst the escalating chaos.

Confusion flickered across Rybdis's face, but before any further exchange could unfold, an immense pressure descended upon us, drowning out all additional thoughts and troubles.

In the throes of the escalating pressure, Rybdis's countenance transformed from fear to an unsettling excitement. "Well, well, looks like I've hit the jackpot—an ace in the cards. You're a Warlord, aren't you?" His voice echoed amidst the dust-filled air, barely visible in the silhouette of a man carrying something over his shoulder. Suddenly, a fierce gust of wind slammed into us, propelling me backward and slicing through me in the process. Darkness enveloped my senses, and I murmured, "I'm sorry, Rybdis."

Eager for the confrontation with the Warlord, I anticipated the clash, but before I could fully comprehend the situation, the attack landed, sending me reeling. Though I managed to evade fatal injuries, the man wasn't as fortunate. A pole from the rubble pierced his chest, stealing away his life in an instant. Furious and overwhelmed by grief, my vision blurred with rage, and everything faded into darkness.

When clarity returned, I found myself amidst a massacre—a swath of lost souls, brutally cut and devoured. Horror gripped me as I wondered if I had caused this carnage. It wasn't a battle; it was a merciless slaughter. Disoriented and distraught, I stumbled back to the man's side, only to discover a book he had dropped. As I picked it up, a profound sense of failure washed over me—I had once again failed to protect another soul.

In this unforgiving world, strength dictated survival. The strong thrived, but in their suffering, they often became the weak. Meanwhile, the weak faced death's embrace. It was the grim rule of this world—a cruel, unyielding reality.

With the man's lifeless form beside me and the weight of the book in my hands, I realized the haunting truth of this existence. The journey ahead would demand resilience beyond measure, navigating a world where the line between predator and prey blurred in the chaos, where survival often came at the cost of one's humanity.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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