Finding out

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Having been forced to the clinic by his parents, it was mandated by the school that he get classed. He was of age to be classed, to find where he'd stand in the world for the rest of his miserable life.

Dragged on by his dad on the man's only day off, the man was more than agitated to say the least.

He could feel the burning of his fathers glare. It felt like a warning telling him that if he is to fail there will be consequences.

He could only will himself to stare down at his shoes the entire time they sat in the waiting room, fiddling with his fingers as he felt his hands getting clammy.

He'd been dragged out of bed kicking and screaming by his mother who hadn't the patience for her brat, had she taken him then he wouldn't have gone. So his father did.

He was far more docile in the older man's presence.

"Karma Akabane, the doctor will see you know." She spoke so gently to him, how she could was beyond him. They were ready for him, he wasn't ready for them however.

Grabbed by the collar of his shirt his dad dragged him in, sitting him on the examination table.

Karma's legs dangled down, childishly he swung them back and forth before being told to knock it off.

"Sorry father."

A man came in, he wore scrubs and a long white coat.

Introducing himself as the doctor, they told the boy all they'd be doing today.

Pricking his finger and running labs to have his class determined, he wouldn't get his results until Monday morning.

Schools were required to know the classification of their students so they could be nurtured accordingly, Karma didn't like the idea of it.

Waiting as the instruments were prepared, catching a glimpse of the needles he was quick to jump to his feet.

Backing away slowly he tried to make a run for the door.

Grabbed by the wrist his dad gave him a stern look, "Don't you fucking dare." he growled forcing him back onto the examining table.

"I can't." He whispered before trying to get down once more.

The glare intensified.

"I swear Karma if you get up one more time we are going to have a problem." Humbled by his fathers words he sat back and tried to keep himself together.

Deep breaths in and out to keep himself calm.

Karma was good at self soothing, he'd learned it was the only kind of soothing he'd get from a young age.

A nurse grabbed his hand wiping his index finger with alcohol, struck by fear he looked to his father for help but the man was busy on his phone.

"I can't." He whispered to the woman who cooed to him, sitting on the table with him holding him close as the doctor pricked his finger. Wiping the blood on a swab to be sent to the labs, she praised him for good behavior.

"So very brave." She wiped a tear from his face.

She knew what he was just by looking at him. His sweet disposition and nervous habits.

Following his father out the clinic he wished the nurses well.

"Pathetic." His father muttered as they got in the car, his father was a harsh man.

Cruel and unkind. 

As soon as they returned home he ran off to his room.  He didn't leave for the entire weekend, he feared running into his father. Despite knowing he worked day in and day out, there was always a chance that he'd be home and in a bad mood.

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