Twists of the night

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As the final whistle blew, signaling the end of the football game, Stan seized the opportunity to extend the evening's festivities. With a casual smile, he turned to Kyle and said, "Hey, wanna crash at my place tonight? We can make it a sleepover, catch up on old times."

Kyle, intrigued by the idea, agreed, and the two friends headed towards Stan's house. Unbeknownst to them, Wendy watched from a distance, her jealousy escalating into frustration. Cartman attuned to the drama smirked and whispered to Kenny "Looks like our dear Wendy is in for a rough night." Eric chuckled and crossed his arms looking at Wendy.
Meanwhile, Butters yet again tried to defuse the situation. "Well.. fellas.. it's just a sleepover. What's the big deal?"

Craig and Tweek who had been quietly observing the unfolding drama, decided to join the group. The duo, openly gay and dating each other, saw an opportunity for a fun night with friends.

Wendy's presence hung heavy, and Cartman couldn't resist making snarky comments to fuel the fire yet again, just because he liked more drama. "Who knew you could be so dramatic about a sleepover, huh?" he quipped.

Despite the underlying tensions, Craig and Tweek brought a breath of fresh air to the gathering. Their easygoing nature and genuine affection for each other served as a reminder that love, in all its forms, could be a source of joy. Cartman turned towards Craig and Tweek. "Sup, what are you gays doing here?" He chuckled. "Ha ha, Very funny" Craig spoke up.

As the night unfolded, the group navigated away from Wendy to avoid more dramatic consequences, though cartman still wanted to cause more, they went through games, shared stories, and a mix of emotions.

| 269 words |

|| I'm trying to write this all in one night and it's been like 4 hours help 😭😭 ||

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