Chapter 8

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After falling asleep in my lap, I looked towards the girls and they all held sad faces. "I know a few people that could sort out your foster license, you've been a temporary foster parent before so it shouldn't be hard to do it again," Solange said. I thought back to that point in my life when I wasn't doing much music, I decided to give fostering a chance and it was pretty hard, but I liked it. I couldn't keep going with it though due to my schedule getting busy again. After the last child was adopted, I put it on hold.

"I would like that Bug, I can't let her keep going back there, she already means a lot to all of us," I said. I saw each of them nod their heads. The waiter then came around with the check. I paid the bill, and we all began to leave. I drove here and I wasn't trusting these heifers with my car. I gave Breia to La and she snuggled up to her quickly. I opened the back door for them before getting in the driver's seat.

We made it back to my house and I got out to open the door for Lala just as Kelly, Solo, and Nicki got out on the other side. We made it to the house around 6 o'clock. We all headed to the living room to chill and catch up for the next few hours. "I can't believe she's ten, she looks like she's about seven," Nicki said, looking at a sleeping Breia in Lala's lap. "right," Kelly said. 

We were all just talking and catching up when Breia began to shift in Lala's arm. She peeked her eyes open and made direct eye contact with me as I was sitting beside La. "Hey, did you have a good nap stink?" I asked her catching everyone's attention. "Yes, do we have to leave now?" Breia asked. "No, not yet, we have a few hours," I told her before returning to the conversation.

Breia sat quietly in Lala's arms as we held a conversation. I went to the kitchen for water but got distracted by TikTok. I was watching videos on my phone when I heard footsteps coming into the kitchen. I was expecting to see Breia, but instead, it was La. "Hey, what you doing?" She asked. "Just distracted by TikTok," I told her. She nodded her head before looking around nervously.

She took a deep breath before saying, "you were crying earlier, are you okay?" I locked my phone, placing it on the counter before looking down to avoid her eyes. "Yes just some personal stuff, nothing too serious," I told her. "You were crying pretty hard Bey, are you sure?" She asked. "YES, damn," I shouted before storming away.

I didn't mean to yell at her but I don't like talking about what happened with my ex. Granted it was a while ago, but it still hurts. I know I probably hurt her feelings, and I will apologize. Just not now. I stormed past the living room and to my bedroom.

After a few minutes, I heard knocks on my door. "Come in," I said. Breia walked in looking skeptical. "Hey baby girl, you okay?" I asked her. "I'm fine BB, you seem a little upset though," she said. "I'm okay baby."

Breia came over and got in the bed with me. We ended up picking a movie to watch while she was cuddled into my side. I could really use the affection right now, so I wasn't complaining. "After this movie, we have to start heading back bubs," I told her. She looked at me and nodded slowly.

I really hate to take her back, but I know it's the right thing to do as of now. 

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