Chapter 22

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Heatherpaw pushes her back legs up into Smokesong's belly and throws her off. Heatherpaw scrambles away and presses herself against the nearest den. Then she sees a deep black tom, Tallwing and Lakestar enter Spottedstar's den. Heatherpaw slips to be against the den and peeks in, careful not to be seen.

"Spottedstar, this is over," Lakestar meows.

Spottedstar hisses, her dull pelt spiking with anger. "Don't you dare tell me this is over. It's over when I say so!"

"It's three on one, Spottedstar. You're outnumbered," the black tom meows, his claws glinting in the minimal sunlight that leaks into the den.

"Ha! I'll take those odds!" Spottedstar laughs. "I've killed countless cats, you can't beat me!"

"Spottedstar, please just surrender," Tallwing meows. "This isn't what the cats who love you would want to see you like. Just step down peacefully and we can end this."

"Pah," Spottedstar spits. "You sound just like your father. He was a weak cat like you. It didn't take much to kill him."

Tallwing's gasps. "You... you were the one who... you killed my father?!"

"And Turtlespots too," Spottedstar meows, sounding a little hysterical. "And Tawnyfur, and Opalclaw, and Jewelfur, and Ambereyes, and Hawkbreeze! You have no idea what I have done to get here! It's all to spite the tom who abandoned my family and Ivorypaw! It's all because of him!"

"Spottedstar, you've just confessed to a serious crime," Lakestar meows, his fluffy pelt making him seem bigger than before. "You have defied the will of SpiritClan as well as killed medicine cats. You... you shouldn't have even become leader."

"Tell that to Lightstar! She's the one who let me become her deputy!" Spottedstar growls. "And I'd like to see SpiritClan try and hurt me for what I've done. They can do nothing."

And then suddenly, Lakestar lunges forward. Blood sprays the walls of the den and Heatherpaw gives an involuntary gasp. Luckily, Tallwing was gasping too.

"Lakestar, you just..." the black tom meows. "You just killed your fellow leader. The warrior code says that–"

"I know what the warrior code says, Darkstep," Lakestar snaps. "This was by the will of SpiritClan. She couldn't continue to live. Tallwing, you are RowanClan's leader now. You... you have to make this Clan great again."

Tallwing gapes at Lakestar as he exits the den. He passes Heatherpaw as he leaps onto the rock that houses Spottedstar's den.

"Spottedstar is dead!" Lakestar yowls.

The fighting cats pause and look up at him, aghast.

"WillowClan and BirchClan, let us collect our dead and return to our camps and allow RowanClan to rebuild," Lakestar meows.

The cats from the other two Clans start slipping out of the camp one by one. Heatherpaw watches them leave, picking up dead cats as they go. Heatherpaw watches Quickbreeze haul a fluffy white she-cat onto his back with the help of a large ginger tom, Quickbreeze's eyes dull with grief.


The camp is silent as the remaining cats wait for Tallwing and Goldenlight to return. Halffur had been given an unceremonious burial in the burial grounds while Riversong and Juniperheart were mourned greatly. Firepelt and Snowheart, with a little help from Ratclaw, did all of the burials themselves and quickly retired to their nests. Heatherpaw feels unbelievably numb as she sits among the cats she had just been fighting against.

Finally, Tallwing enters the camp and leaps up onto the rock that houses the leader's den. Goldenlight sits beside the rock and dips her head down to look at the ground.

"I have gone to SpiritClan and gained my nine lives," Tallwing meows. "They have accepted me and I am now Tallstar. Now, I must appoint a deputy. There is only one cat I can think of to fill that role. Tansytail, step forward."

The ginger cat gapes at Tallstar as they step forward, bathed in moonlight. Tallstar gives a tired smile and continues.

"Tansytail, you have never had an apprentice, but I don't think I'm going to let that stop you from being my second in command. Do you swear to support me as I learn to be RowanClan's leader and to replace me when I am gone?"

"I-I do!" Tansytail meows, their eyes sparkling in the starlight.

"There is one more thing I promised I would do upon becoming leader, and one thing I feel is necessary to do. Will Mangledface and Heatherpaw please step forward?"

Mangledface steps into the ring as Tansytail sits beside Goldenlight. Heatherpaw sits beside her older brother, wondering what Tallstar intends on doing.

"Mangledface, I promised you that I would right the wrong that Spottedstar did to you and I intend on keeping that promise. From now on, you shall be known as Snailsong, in honor of the song that you have kept in your heart since your accident. You are one of the strongest cats I have seen in so long and you deserve a name that represents you," Tallstar smiles as the Clan erupts into cheers. The cats quiet when Tallstar raises her tail, however. She turns her gaze on Heatherpaw. "Heatherpaw, you have not completed the trials, however, your bravery during these recent times is trials enough. You passed information between Clans, slipped past cats who intended harm without being caught and were the main messenger of the rebels. Therefore, I believe you have earned your warrior name. So, do you swear to protect your Clan, even if it costs your life?"

"I do!" Heatherpaw meows quickly, praying this isn't a dream.

"Then from now on, you shall be known as Heatherflower, for your growth and strength," Tallstar leaps down and touches her nose to each of the two cats' heads.



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