chapter 1

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Project reflections

Chapter 1

Options for the beginning please comment the one you like.

Option 1 "His name shall be blue berry." " Aww baby's first drink." " You want me to black mail her !." "This is not you come home we can fix this please." "So, this was some fucks set up because you thought it would be funny !." "My number call me ok." "Boom." "Kit reaches out to grab the hands of their team."

Option 2 Boom!

Option 3 if you value your sanity DON'T READ THIS BOOK good luck.

Option 4 welcome to my wonder full tales life sucks

Option 5 I would point a gun at him to save your life.

Option 6 age means nothing when your handed a life like ours

Option 7 I promised you ; you would not die that day and now look.

Option 8 I was eight years old when I realised my life would not be easy.

Sunshine through the window as house and shops fly past {as kits daydream is broken(this is for option one only}. Australian summer is something not to joke about. The aircon pumps the small compact car. Kit looks at the woman with sunglasses and long blonde hair. Kit looked like holly. They couldn't remember what holly looked like at their age kit barely knew her at all . Kits hair matched except that there was short, fluffy, and cut short near there neck. Holly's hair was long and flowing around about chest length. Kit was wearing a that read " sorry I'm late I didn't want to come" which kit thinks was their mum way of say go back to school you bug me. This new school had no dress code due to it been an international school with lots of peoples styles of clothes from around the world being different. Kit thinks I what to make sure there was no culture shock when coming to the land down under. Kit had a feeling that a few details were missing. Clue one No parents are allowed to visit or see the school other than stock photos. Clue two why can holly drive me here and not my parents or a school bus. Kit remembers seeing her as a little kid but nothing more. "Yeah, we are we going holly." The holly looks over. " Ha kitty kat you remember me I wasn't sure if you would and what do you mean." Kit rolls their eyes. "Where do I know you from again." Holly quickly and chipperly response. " I am your dad younger sister, and I went hear so they can trust me." She leans an arm over and ruffles kits hair. Kit looks out the window and realise where they are heading. " Why are we going down to the harbour." holly giggle. " You will know soon little one. Kit is beginning to come frustrated with their unanswered questions. A Gray and white seagull with an old looking wing fly's past and kit stomach turns. Kit realised that there must be something special about holly if she can take kit to this so-called school. It's time for a good old investigation. " So, you have a partner or a roommate." Holly smiles." Yes, I have a fiancé, we met after I left school." "She is so wonderful, and I hope you will come to our wedding next year." Kit smiles." Deal if you give me more details." Holly grabs kits hand and shakes it. " I should be asking you the questions I missed your hole childhood." Holly looks over at kit with a cheeky grin. " You got a girlfriend yet or a partner." Kit blushes" what did my parents say something." Holly laughs. "Oh, kit I can tell, and you won't stop talking about Taylor swift and to my knowledge you have never gone through a breakup." Kit blushes and shoves their head in their hands. " it's the little thing kit the trivial things. Holly pats kits back and keeps driving. So out of all the question kit had answered today. One holly has a soon to be wife and a hell of a gaydar. Two went to said school and is like a detective just like kit. Yet the pieces weren't putting together kit Has an old memory of this girl coming home, and kit was told to go inside and to be quiet like an adult as they were locked in the house look through the glass door to watch what felt like the world go by. Kit was shoved out of most family things due to their inability to control their emotion and not gabber a person's ear off. Kit was never fully welcomed anywhere not by friends for family even therapist. Watching the world go by as their brain ate them from the outside in. they were destroyed. "Kit are you ok kid." Kit hadn't realised the tears flowing down their face." Kit nods their head as they sop up the tear with an old dusty tissue from the glove box. "This school saved me from the monster chasing me and now look at me." Hollys body relaxes as she looks out the front window. " Kit, I know you have monsters coming for you, but you can't outrun them much longer." "Promise me to give this a good try." Kit nods firmly " yes I will." Kit realised early on this might be their last chance before there life around them truly crumbled down. Kit was a strong person but had a lot of inner demons that destroyed life. "Holly why did you get sent away." Holly focused on driving and keeps her head strait towards the road." My parents didn't know and still don't know how much this place saved me from myself." "It hurts how I can't tell them how or what they did but one day I will tell you." Kit looks at holly still focused on driving. " Why can't we tell your parents." Hollys looks down sombrely. " Because they won't see it the way it helps us thrive." "You will understand when you get the tour. Kit knew there are so many surprises to come. The road was bumpy with potholes and stones tracked in from truck drivers and storms. Kit is thrown around the car till they hit ports road. Ports road is a smooth piece of road that connect the mainland to ship that hold cars and place to board ships. Kit listens to the radio now blasting a small indie pop band that holly knows from a local pub. Kit soaked in every moment of normal. The air con blowing kits hair into their eyes which they hated. The sun shining down on their knees. The feel of as normal of being driven to a unknow location to be shipped away could be. Holly parks the car in the huge parking lot. Children were stack on top of each other. Most looked sad and confused. People were pushing kids down a long hallway that glowed into the outside. The tunnel eventually that went under the water. Kit starts to shake . The world goes side way, and every little sound was amplified to a million. Kits breath was scarce, and the tears block their vision. Kit already felt like a problem that needed getting rid of but now what was this children hording underground shit. Holly smiles looks at them "well kid this is it." Holly stops and her smile drops. " Hey kit talk to me." Kit shakes their head. "No, I can't do this I am so alone. Holly starts to tear up. "Kit, you will love it and you can call me the minute you understand but for now you must trust that these people will be your family. Kits hazy eyes start to clear and out the count of one eye kit can see a classy, confident, courageous girl. She was all smiles and was looking around at the scenery like it was a whole new world. She looked happy to be here like she knew something about this place that had not been said yet. She had come off one of the many buses that had travelled kids into the port like sardine cans. The girl turns her head to see kit all tears and red eyes. She looks soft and smiles as she waves. The line pushes her out of sight and in an instant kit new there was something special about her. Kit takes a two deep breaths. "You will stand by the phone until I call right? Holly laughs and ruffles kits hair. "of course, kitty kat." Kit giggles and leaps over the gear stick and raps their arms firmly around holly. Kit had an understanding that this was there soon to be saviour. " Thank you, holly, for everything and what's to come." Kit leans back and holly with tears streaming down her face smiles and gently looks kit in the eyes. "Can't wait to hear all the stories. Kit opens the door and steps out. "Wait one more thing they will take your bags." Kit walks away smiling. They think that it's so they can search it. The line up to get down to the ship was lengthy. Lines of kids confused sad and excited to get away. all wait their turn one by one. Kit finally made it up to an older woman with a flour clip board and a tattoo that said. May the wind free me with the wave. Kit had no clue what that meant and staired at it until they were startle out. "What you name." Kit stutters and nervously says. " Kit Rhys." The women look back and yells. Hey Margaret, my lunch was meant to be three hours ago I am done withstanding in the heat and talk to so many sad kids. She turns back shaking her head angrily. "Walk down their kid and wait till your name is called by your guide. Kit nods and walks away quickly. they had only just realised that the girl they had seen was nowhere to be seen. They walk down a dark slanted tunnel with strip light guiding them on the floor like on a plane. No one could see faces down there except bodies shoved up against each other. Kit finally makes it down to a heard of people and names being called left and right. For what was kit in. A voice screamed out kits name and somehow kit followed it carefully to a short girl with an axe slung over her shoulder. She leans a handout and grabs kit hand forcefully. "Welcome to the saviour." Kit was stunned so much information had entered their head at once. " Why is it called the saviour." The girl swings the oversized axe to the ground and lent on it. "Well, we are all her to be saved from something and you know that." Kit looked around. "But everyone is so normal." The girl fixes her curly dark red hair. " don't we all look normal." She starts to walk away flicking the axe back over her shoulder. She continues the tour. " I am diget, well my name is really Bridget, but my friends call me diget." I am good at throwing my axe." Kit stops. " aren't you good at like numbers or computers." Diget turns to kit. " Ha that's too boring for me I live for the thrill." Diget walks down a small dimly light hall with low metal ceilings. " So, as you know the saviour is for people who need a saviour." "You are here because of your anxiety right." " And many other people are here for medical trauma or anything really." They enter a small alcove where too boys are sitting playing video game on a huge tv. " This is my team we are one short because they didn't have enough in our year. Kit was shocked. " Wait so every on here is like me." Diget smiles and leans a hand on kits shoulder. " Yes, absolutely true and that's why people here barely get bullied." Kit leans back at the sight of the axe getting closer. Diget laughs nearly toppling over. " You are so terrified of swifty my axe." " You will have to get use to hundreds of our sharp weapons to survive here." Kits eyes bulge out as diget skips down the halls. Kit looks up to one of the highest ceilings they have ever seen. They were covered in pure scrap metal puzzled together. " This is the dining hall it is so good." Kit looks to clean metal Buffet benches and classy wooden tables. The seat had what looked to be amazingly comfortable built in cushioning on them. " Wow this is like a hotel how is it this clean." Diget quick to reply." We take pride in learning to be responsible for ourselves. "Hear teachers don't nag or take things away it is your duty to take care of yourself and the people around you." Kit shakes their head. " No teachers always being noisy there is no way we are really treated like adults. " of course, we are kit ,this is not the school for the weak people. Kit remembers having to grow up quick. They had to learn how to deal with emotion and talk about them like an adult. They had to look after themselves because no one understood themselves like kit understood themself. Plus, the adults in its life didn't really care to help you become a full functioning human like most. Kit nods " so we all really did not get the chance to be kids. Diget looks down and nods in comradery. " I had to look after myself when I was six because my brother was sick." "We all did what we need to do, and this school understands what we are capable of. Kit realises all the things they were held back from doing was because they were perceived by the world as a kid. Kit as an eight-year-old could carry as much problematic baggage as a thirty-year-old. Kit looks down at the bright warm brown wooden floors. " Let keep going." Diget slings an arm over kits shoulder. "Well, we all deal with our trauma together in this house. Kit giggles and starts to skip along the halls with diget. Here we are at the best place on the ship, main deck. Kit tries to look to the top and ends up having to lay down to see it all. " What is all of this. Diget ready to point out the place contuses. "Ok are your ready." "First we have main floor." "It has all of our office desks for study and work." Kit looks around to see. White wooden circle tables with four computers on each desk and a sectional in each. The row of round tables goes back and back till it hit a staircase split and in the centre is a lift. The ground floor to the other has a stage that is to be retractable. The floors are clean and a light stain wooden floors that shone in the glints of light. As kit looked to the roof as a chandelier floated, light so softly that it felt natural. The chandelier looks priceless like rain falling in a circle. Like the world had frozen and that was the rain frozen around. Kit looks up to the second-floor, rows of bookshelves and comfortable unusual seating lined the inner ring of it all. People floated around kit like they may as well been invisible. Only an imagination could hold such a wonderful place. Diget pointed to the very top. A bubble-like pod stuck out of the main wall. The main wall was glass that led to the great beyond of the sea. Fish and colourful sea creature floating past. Diget head explain that the pod up there was the captain's pod with her office and meeting room. It was a faraway place, but kit wished to know what was hidden behind the huge pod. Everything was well calculated. The books were said to be in order of genre of books and then alphabetically ordered and the students help with this and kept it clean. The stairs looked magical like that if kit ran down them in a stylish shoot or formal were they may feel like they were in a fairy tale. A clear v shaped clearing with no desks or seating was on ground floor so people could easily travel around. Diget had also explained that there were three hallways connected to the main hub. On the right lead to the cafeteria. The one they had come through to get to the hub. The second that faced the stage to either side. On to the right of the stage lead down to the sleeping arrangements. Diget said that it was and amazing technical advancement that the rooms had a bathroom and a huge bed and Plenty more room for fun and friends. No had to share unless they had requested. Kit loved to be near to people but talking was there goal the presents of a familiar face could settle them in minutes. Kit loved the company of silence and doing their own thing in a room with someone else. To kit it seemed like a good thing. It was not unfamiliar. Kit had no sibling and no family that had younger cousin, yet kit had a few old cousins that most often than not would scream at three am on the dot to piss of the rest of the house and people nearby at the family annual getaway . To the left of the stage was all the classrooms and to kits shock the mandatory self-defence and popular combat training rooms. Kit wonders if this could be helpful in real life. As the walk up the grand stairs the place felt like an ants nest with little works scurrying all over the floor. As they look to diget who was now siting upside down in one of the chair in the library. "Hey diget why do we learn to fight." Diget takes a moment to think of a good response. " I really should not be saying this quite yet but if you want, we are trained to go and fight criminals around the world to protect people." Kits face drops but soon they realised this could be a good thing. To feel safe and help others but most of all feels in control of themselves. " That sounds amazing diget." She smiles at kit "come on you have a room to see don't you." Kit spins around and skips off behind diget. The floor was covered with laughing and smiling teens ready to help any new student that walks past. The comfort that they understood what kit was going through and how they felt made this place feel magical. The hallways were incredibly tall kit had to crank there neck back to see the roof. The hall ran on for what felt like a lifetime. Meeting rooms a theatre room little kitchens, so many different rooms that kit thought it would be impossible to fit on a ship. As kit and diget approached the halls for the bedrooms diget turns to kit. "I will warn you this will blow your mind." Kit takes a deep breath and walks around the corner, kits mouth dropped wide open. The walls were lined from the roof to the doors. At each row they had a small two-person open lift with a glass rounded fence around the platform. The doors were accompanied by a slanted rectangle window that had a blind covering most. People freely walked around these halls like this was all natural to them. The hall was extremely wide letting people move easily and as kit watched people float up on the platforms, they were speechless. Diget looks at kit with wonder in eyes and a smile wider the hall. " Just looking at your reaction of the rooms for the first time makes it feel so new to me as well. " Kit pushes diget and then throws their arms tightly around her. Diget confused and pleased at the same time slowly drops her arms to hug kit in tight. Kit looks up at diget teary eyed. " This place makes me feel like I have lived here for years," "It makes me feel at home." Home was a word kit did not use very often. Kit knows the difference between fake home and true home. False home was the thing that shelter you from the rain, weather you paid to be there or not. True home was a feeling. A feeling so deep down it had been a long time since kit felt truly home. True home was the sense of trusting and joy. The sense of peace and security that made people calm and happy. True home was the ship. The minute kit stepped foot in the saviour kit felt the understanding, kind, and warm feeling deep down. Until now it was buried under stress and hurt. This place was true home for what looked like everyone on the ship. Diget now tears slowing rolling down her face smiled . " This really is home." Kit pulls away and wipes the tears off their face. Diget and kit chuckle a bit. " So diget were my room ?" Diget rolls their eyes and both kit and diget walk off to kits new room. Diget arrives at the door. " Ok kits are ready to see your room." Kit smiles and jokingly looks at diget. " This isn't said yes to the room is it." Diget giggles and opens the door. Lucky for kit it's on the ground floor. Kit hates to admit to people that they are both scared of heights and of elevators. they understand that being afraid of heights is normal, but elevators are scarier than people think. Kit reasoning for fearing elevators is that when they were eight them and their mum walked into an old elevator and when the doors shut the lights flickered on and off for what felt like minutes. It was two seconds and then the elevator slowly carried them down. Kit left that elevator crying and with a pure hatred for any metal box that could trap kit and slowly starve them or lose air to breath. The door opened and what felt like a never-ending tour of magic and amazement really never ended. The room had the same wooden floors as the rest of the ship. The same light woody colour and pattern of dancing swirls like the inside of and old grandfather tree, which was shiny and glossy. The room had an incredible feature wall like no other. It was a double sealed window to look out into the beautiful picture that was the ocean. Infront of the window was a small table with four Gray cushioned seats. Further up on the wall next to the door was a double bed. The double bed was leant on the west wall of the room, and it faced the door to the on-suite bathroom. Just above the bed on the north wall was the window kit had seen with curtains to hide away or look at the people flying past. Kit runs to the bathroom to see white tiles cover both the floors and walls. To one side was a shower and to the other was a toilet. In the middle in front of the door was the sink a mirror above. The door to the bathroom was a wooden sliding door with that same elegant pattern. Kit walks back to the centre of the room. When the lights are off all the light that shone in the day was the small amount of light that had reached down and in deep through the ocean window. In the middle of the room was all kits bags in a neat pile. They look around and finds diget leant up against the door frame." So, I will take it you said yes to the room." Kit smiles and motions diget to come sit at the table. " Does everyone get a room like this." "Surprisingly yes and most have the hole room to themselves." "Some do share but it is rare." Kit finds a book in the centre of the table and starts to flick through it. Diget grabs kits hands. "This is the part when if you want and when you're ready you can open up and let your emotions out." Kit looks up at Didget and rolls their eyes. fine I had a fucking tough tweenhood what else can I say." " Life never goes to plan am I right diget were all hear for something." Kit laughs uncomfortably try to lighten the mood. Diget stands and hugs kit and holds them tight. It felt like the last hug kit would even feel. Kit started to cry. Letting tears flow down and hit digets shoulder. Kit pulls away. " I am so sorry for crying on your shoulder. Diget smiles softly. " don't worry I am used to it, and I want to warn you that when you meet your team you will have to talk about what happed." " It helps bring trust and makes everyone more connected." Diget heads for the door and quickly turns when kit yells for them. " Thanks for everything diget." Diget smiles and nods and waves her hand goodbye. " I left my room number on the table and be ready you have half an hour till you find out your teams in the hub." Diget walks away and shuts the door behind her. Kits head falls to their arms on the table and buries their head in tight. Kit had final found the peace that they want so desperately and now they had to uncover old wounds and wounds that had just started to scab over too Three random people who kit had never seen. Kit never liked to talk about their struggles. Kit thought that it would make things worse and would only hurt and cause more issues for them to fix. Kit looked down at their phone. One text from holly, it reads. "Your probably would know what's the ship is by now and I hope you love it as much as I did." It was like a sanctuary a garden of peace a saviour. I can't wait for the call tonight so we can tell you though all the things you need to know like hide outs and presents the teachers like. kit felt more alone somehow from just reading that. They stand up and take a deep slow breath in and out. They puff there chest out and walk out the door to open up about their trauma to three random people that was their new team. There are saviours.

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