Chapter1: Waste of Time

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Leon was rushing towards his maths class when suddenly he bumped into someone. All his books went flying.
"Oh I'm sorry I was-" He started but was cut back by an angry voice "Hey can't you see where are you going nerd"?

It was Brandon and Alicia. Two of the most popular kids at school.

Alicia rolled her eyes."Come on Brandon, chill. It wasn't his fault." She turned to Leon and smiled at him. "Its okay. It was just an accident." With that she walked away with Brandon, who was still glaring at Leon.

Leon sighed and picked up his books lying on the floor but he was still thinking about Alicia. Though he wasn't normally interested in girls, as if that mattered, Alicia always made his heart beat faster and his face blush. She was his one and only crush. But he knew she would never look at him, let alone go out with him.

Leon was the nerd of his class. He was tall and a little lanky. He had grey eyes that were covered with thick spectacles and had straight black hair that were usually flopped over his eyes. He was pretty much unaware of everyone around him and like wise, no one wanted to talk to him. He was just a total outcast.

So it was just a waste of time. He sighed and walked to his next class.

"Hey Alicia. Wanna go out to Beach Disco tonight"? Alicia scoffed. "We already went yesterday night".
"Yea but I wanna go out with you every night".

Alicia rolled her eyes. She could feel every boy in the cafeteria looking at her and she wasn't surprised. She was always the centre of attention. She was slim and 5'7 with long blonde hair, a creamy complexion and blue almond shaped eyes. To go along, she wore a white skirt with a peach blouse that made her look totally glamorous.

"Cmon baby. It'll be fun." Brandon took her hand. Alicia smiled but felt uncomfortable. She had to admit Brandon was cute and he really liked her but she didn't really like him that much. In fact, she didn't really liked any guys she had dated so far. They were nice but insensitive and they treated her like some kind of golden prize they wanted to win. They all seemed to lack something that she wanted. She wanted a guy who was eager to become her soul mate. Who cared and loved her with all his heart and wouldn't be able to breathe without her. A guy who would sleep thinking about her and wake up thinking about her. But so far, there have been no one like that.

Alicia slipped her hand out of Brandon's and stood up. "We'll see but for now sorry guys I gotta run. I have to take my Biology class. See ya." With this she picked up her green Gucci bag and walked towards the class. She sighed. Another boring hour studying Humans. Little did she knew that it was her this class that would lead her to finding what she had always waited for.

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