chapter 3

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One evening, as Jiya was walking home from college, she felt a sudden chill down her spine. She turned around, only to find herself surrounded by a group of masked men, their eyes filled with menace. Panic gripped Jiya's heart

The goons swiftly grabbed Jiya, their grip tight and unforgiving. They blindfolded her and forced her into a waiting van, the engine roaring to life. Jiya's mind raced with fear and confusion as the van sped away into the night, leaving her loved ones behind, unaware of her plight.

Inside the van, Jiya could hear the muffled voices of her captors, their sinister laughter echoing in her ears. She struggled against her restraints, desperately trying to free herself, but to no avail. The darkness of the blindfold intensified her feelings of helplessness, making her fear for her life.

Hours turned into days as Jiya remained trapped in an undisclosed location. She was kept in a dimly lit room, her only company being the haunting silence that enveloped her. Abhishek, the mastermind behind the kidnapping, reveled in the power he held over Jiya's life. He wanted her to know that escape was futile, that she belonged to him now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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