The Invitation

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I was sitting at my desk, staring at my laptop screen. I had nothing to do, nothing to look forward to, nothing to live for. My life was boring, dull, and meaningless. I hated my job, I hated my apartment, I hated myself. I needed a change, I needed an adventure, I needed a miracle.

That's when I received an email from Tom.

Tom was my old friend from high school. We used to be close, but we drifted apart after graduation. He went to a different university, studied a different major, made different friends. He became a different person. He became a mystery.

The email was short and simple. It said:

"Hey, long time no see. How are you? Listen, I have a proposition for you. How about joining me and my friends for a weekend trip to a remote village that is rumoured to be haunted? It will be fun, I promise. Let me know if you're interested. Cheers, Tom."

I was surprised and curious. Why did Tom contact me after all these years? Why did he invite me to a haunted village? What was his motive? What was his plan?

I didn't know, but I didn't care. I was bored and desperate. I needed a break from my routine. I needed a challenge. I needed a thrill.

I replied to his email and said:

"Hi, Tom. Nice to hear from you. I'm fine, thanks. Your proposition sounds intriguing. I'm interested. When and where do we meet? Regards, Me."

I pressed send and waited for his response.

He replied almost immediately. He said:

"Great. I'm glad you're in. We meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. at the university parking lot. I'll introduce you to my friends. They are Alex, Lisa, Jenny, and Mark. They are cool and fun. You'll like them. See you tomorrow. Tom."

I read his email and felt a mix of emotions. I felt excited and nervous. I felt hopeful and anxious. I felt alive and scared.

I closed my laptop and packed my bag. I didn't know what to expect, but I was ready for anything.

I was ready for the mystery of the village.

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