Bits of Jealousy

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Rainbow Factory belongs to @/dodozoi17 (on TikTok)

Forest God/Biome Deities belongs to @/deleuleu_and_soimen (on TikTok)

~ In the Rainbow Factory ~

"Uggghhhhhh, whhhhyyy?" Luna groaned, face down on a breakroom table. Another terrible night of sleep hit her again. It only being day two of her work week.

With how time works with the door. Luna can spend of whole 7-to-8-hour night in the factory. One hour there being equal to one day back home. Sounds like hell in a hand basket, she doesn't really mind it. At this job she can actually kill off anyone that crosses her. As well as being an intelligent scientist working on projects that she actually likes.

Luna then felt something cold had be placed into her hand. Looking to it she saw it's a Monster energy drink, the mango juice kind.

"You look like you could use one. Can't have you dying on us yet," a deep voice chuckled.

She looks up and smiles, "Thanks, Barnaby. You have nooooo idea."

Aside from Walden, RF!Barnaby is practically a best friend to Luna when at the factory. They get along and chat when they have the time. Or are in the same work area depending. Even working in a place like this, Barnaby is still a jokester. More dark humor than anything else which is a given.

"What got you looking like a zombie? Boss working you like a dog again or did you want to get made funny of?" Barnaby teased; seating cross the table from her.

"Ha ha, very funny," Luna rolled her eyes, cracking up the can. "It's just the usual nightmare I get once a week or so. It's like my minds way of saying not to fuck up as I did that day. Which I haven't. I'm counting my stars on that."

"Is that right? That also happened to be the day we officially got to know each other. Poppy had been patching you up when I stopped by to grab something from her. Honestly, I'm not surprised you're still shaken from that day. Are your scars holding up? There's gotta be some from what you told me before," he asked, leaning toward her on the table.

After taking a sip from her drink, Luna removed her lab coat and unbuttoned her shirt a bit. There she revealed three long claw marks on her right shoulder. From the tip of her shoulder blade to just above her collarbone.

Barnaby gave a whistle, "Talk about a battle wound ya got there. Not as bad as I would've thought."

"A reminder to never talk back and to get my attitude in check before starting work. The one day I'm in a bad mood, had barely any sleep and no coffee; my ass was almost made into the next batch of purple," she said fixing her clothing. "Would've been my favorite color at least."

"I'm surprised he didn't kill you. The longest I've seen him have the same assistant in a while. You were only his assistant for 2 months at that time. Now you are going strong being here for a year. And a lead researcher at that with your color projects. You definitely made up for it," he praised, leaning back on his chair.

"Damn right I did, ya dog! Like I'm having that shit happen again! But hey, I could always work with you. Finally have my equipment in a timely matter," Luna chuckled.

"Don't let the Boss hear ya. Then it's both of asses on the line," Barnaby laughed with.

The two continued to have small talk and laughed at whatever until a cough out their attention. They looked over to see it was none other than Walden. He looked slightly annoyed and/or troubled. Which one could be anyone's guess. Best not to mention it or bother asking. Not like he'll gave an answer right away.

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