Chapter 24: Fool

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A/N: While away I've been missing James and Marlene's sweet fluff, so I wrote another fluffy chapter. Next chapter will carry on the plot more but for now, enjoy. 

Chapter 24

Marlene's POV

Being back at Hogwarts hasn't made things easier for me. Every turn I take, I feel eyes on me, watching my every move. Sirius was right when he said I would be monitored until I broke and told them what my agenda was.

Today James and I are going on another date to Hogsmeade. It's still snowing outside but this may be the last weekend we see snow as the weather starts to warm up. James and I are enjoying ourselves while walking back to the carriages.

James stops in our tracks, confusing me as I tilt my head to the side in curiosity. Before I could question him, he placed a finger to his lips to signal for silence. I listened carefully to hear laughter and yelling in the distance. James grabs my hand and leads me to the noise. It was there that we witnessed the rest of the Marauders and my friends in an intense snowball fight.

"Oh is that all you've got?!" Barty taunts Sirius playfully.

"You don't even know, Crouch. Be prepared to CRY!" Sirius yells as he begins to continuously throw snowballs towards Barty while laughing.

James and I look at each other in amusement of our friends' antics. I never knew they were even on friendly enough terms to have a snowball fight. What is this?! I snicker at the sight, catching our mates' attention.

"Lena!" I smile brightly at Dora's excited greeting and big waves when a snowball flies over and hits her square in the face. I gasped.

"Hey! That's foul play!" Reggie exclaimed from his spot leaning against a tree. I guess he wasn't a part of the snowball fight – no surprises there. It just wouldn't be "Black etiquette". Regardless I glared over at the perpetrator of the snowball: Peter.

"Oh Black, it doesn't even seem like you're a part of the fight. Sod off!" James shouts in his friend's defense.

I narrowed my eyes at his comment. I take this chance to grab a handful of snow and place it quickly into James's robe making him yelp in the surprise coldness. "You mess with Dora, you mess with me!" I stuck my tongue out at my boyfriend – now nemesis – before running towards my friends.

James gasped at my actions before he grabbed snow and started throwing in my direction, making me scream and laugh as I attempted to dodge his attacks. We end up joining the snowball fight for some time.

As we all pack up to leave after calling a truce, James pulls me back and behind a tree away from our friends.

"You've been a naughty girlfriend." He whispers into my ears in a husky voice.

I look up at him, "Whatever do you mean?" I smirk up at him challengingly. Without a reply, James leans in and takes my lips into his. I smile into his kiss.

"I love you. You know that, right Lizzie?" He looks into my eyes softly as his forehead rests on mine.

I nod lightly. "James." He hums in reply. "Are you disappointed in me?" James backs away slightly as he registers my question. "Are you... upset that I haven't told you what I've been up to?" I've been feeling immense guilt about not telling James.

I'm selfish. I know that. James is the only 'normal' thing in my life. He's carefree and full of life. I don't want to taint him from the darkness of the world just yet. He's my call back from that world.

As if being able to read my thoughts, he kisses my forehead. "Lizzie... I'm not going to lie. It does hurt me to know that you can't confide in me. But at the same time, I like to think that you have a good reason for that. Besides, you said that you will tell me in due time. You'll keep your words, won't you?"

"Always." I reach up to touch his cheek and gently caress it. "James, I love you." James's eyes widened in realization of my confession. I have never spoken those three words before. I have only ever smiled back or kissed him as a reply.

"I've waited to hear those words from you." His smile couldn't be more wide. "Say it again? Even if you never told me, I'd be okay with it as long as you kept saying those words."

I flick his forehead lightly, "James Potter, you'd be a fool!" I scolded playfully.

"I'm your fool so I'd be glad to be a fool." I laughed at his joke before kissing him once more. 

Harry Potter Isekai - Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now