He thought it was easy.

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It hadn't been a difficult task in the beginning, there was a villain and Katsuki was sure as hell not letting them get away with what they had done. A small task easily became a big one when several hostages had been taken, one of whom was already confirmed to be in need of medical attention. Other than a few police officers on the scene, it was just him. Calling for back up may only lead to more causalities. 

The building they had taken was the one that man had been fired from. It was plain old revenge. But really? Getting fired from a job and then proceed to endanger lives was just pathetic. Katsuki knew that. Yet all he could do was wait whilst the police spoke to him from the outside.

Soon news reporters showed up and caused even more of a scene. They were worried of course. Who wouldn't be? He did nothing but stand outside until a gunshot sounded and a few police officers came running out with hostages who had been let go, one officer rushing over to him as the rest tried to keep civilians at a distance.

A bomb. A baby.

The dead mother.

It was left up to him. That officer had offered to go in with him since, to that guy, Katsuki was still just a child himself. But Katsuki would much rather have him get injured than have even more dead people. 

That man had shot at him as he burst through the door, yet another injury to his shoulder. It didn't stop him from striving forward, yet the man laughed, "He had it coming. That bastard had it coming."

There was a man. A woman. Both dead. Then a crying baby, only a few months old. And the bomb? Well, it was right next to the baby with only a minute left until the whole building exploded.

Katsuki didn't have time to waste on a villain. As if answering his prayers, that same police officer arrived. Katsuki simply chucked the, now, unconscious villain at him as he rushed toward the baby, "Go!"

Even if he didn't make it out, that villain had to pay. The police officer ran as Katsuki fiddled with bits of cloth attaching the baby to the bomb. He had made it in time to throw the bomb away from them both and turn his back, clutching the baby in his arms as it cried. 

Yet, he didn't make it out of the building. Once he could, he found the nearest exit, the safest route for the both of them despite how hard it was to see through bloodied vision and how annoying the ringing in his ears were. Katsuki steered clear of the army of people waiting outside and slumped himself against a nearby wall with a sigh. 

Everywhere hurt like hell. He was pretty sure he had broken a bone or two.

There was a moments pause before he checked on the baby, it was breathing just fine or so he assumed, "Right you little beast-"

And then it started crying. He could have sworn it was loud enough for the whole neighbourhood to hear... or maybe that was just him and his damaged ears, "It's quite cold, huh?"

It wasn't the best time to be sitting outside, it was the middle of winter after all.

Katsuki didn't know what else to do other than rest the baby against his shoulder and gently soothe their back. He was definitely sure he hit his head somewhere though - talking to a baby was never something he thought he'd ever do and here he was, talking to one despite it not being able to talk back.

"You look like a natural, Dynamite.", the same police officer from earlier quickly arrived at his side. Although Katsuki hadn't really took what he has said as a compliment, going on 23 and looking like a natural at caring for a baby was the furthest from what he wanted.

"Gee. Thanks.", he scoffed as the officer helped him up.

"There's ambulances waiting at the front of the building. Come on."

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