chapter thirty six

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His mansion was large, and somewhat between a swamp, the outer exterior surface was a light red, maybe dark red wood, with a large porch. On the lawn, was dead plants, wilted roses and dead trees that sat directly next a small pond that had some type of carnivorous Hell-plants and fish.

He keeps a tight grip on your forearm, with a smile he forcefully leads you onto his property. And right underneath the porch was a white, skeleton like tail, it rattled as it moved causing you to slightly faulter slightly in your movements, but alastor tugs you forward regardless, "now, now dear. No reason to be scared, they're completely friendly, mostly." Alastor says with that grin ever present still. His words- and you were sure he thought they'd be reassuring. Were not reassuring in anyway.

The porch steps creaked with each step made by you and alastor, the alligator beneath the porch opened it's white skeletal jaws, somehow emitting a loud hiss. It definitely did not seem friendly in anyway, you didn't even know how it's able to make noise, hell really had no logic when it came to some of the animals like alligators.

Alastor took out a pair of keys, humming softly as he checked through them before stopping at a skeleton key, he grabbed a hold of it, his vintage mic staff thingy no longer in sight, his one hand still holding your forearm tightly as he set the skeleton key into the matching keyhole. The dark oak door creaking open on its own.

Warm air rushed at you as he pulled you forward, the door shutting and locking behind you. The interior of his home was classy and smelled of jambalaya.

The furniture was shades of dark red, dark dark red, and cherry red. All matching the aesthetic of his home, velvet pillows laid on love seat he had, shadows darted across the room, moving from the corner of your eyes only to disappear when you looked.

Shadowy fingers tugged and pulled at your fluffy wings, only to vanish when nearly confronted. "Make yourself at home dear! You'll be here for a while."

Alastor says walking past you to his kitchen, his mind on a few things, like some good ol' black coffee.

Once he left into the kitchen you looked around, the walls were lined with elk antlers and deer antlers, along with a shotgun hanging right above the fire place that was roaring with reddish orange flames.

Bones and firewood was what was in the fireplace, the bones still had flesh on them, and filled the whole room with the smell of burning flesh.

You're fluffy white antennas twitched slightly as you looked around some more, alastor was still in the kitchen and you had plenty of rooms to explore and look around, like the basement, the door was cracked open just a smidge, and you could see the concrete walls and the railings that led to the basement. Right across from the basement was a staircase leading up to the upper floor, where the bedrooms and attic was at.

Word count 549

Sorry I took so long, I've been mourning the loss of my pet guinea pig.

A: basement

B: upstairs

Chose which one you'd prefer to check out.

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