Chapter Five

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Note: the battles won't exactly be the same as the ones on the show, they won't be saying the same stuff like the did there, but it will be pretty similar.  There are many changes but enjoy reading! 👀💗

As the first rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains, you woke up to a fresh new day. Stretching your tired body and letting out a contented yawn, a surge of energy and purpose washed over you. The familiar sounds of birds chirping and distant traffic reminded you that life was bustling outside, but for now, you were cocooned in the comfort of your own sanctuary.

Heading to the bathroom to freshen up and get ready, you eagerly looked forward to the day ahead. Today was all about meeting up with your girlfriends and exploring the town, simply enjoying each other's company. The past few weeks had been stressful with the Street Woman Fighter competition, taking up much of your time. The ongoing drama between Redlic and Latrice seemed like a deliberate ploy by Mnet to create chaos. Their clever editing had certainly affected Redlic, as negative comments flooded in after that particular episode aired.

Excitement bubbled inside you as news of a pool party reached your ears. The idea of having a great time with all the crews and spending quality time with your own group filled you with anticipation.

As you got dressed, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendships you had formed through the competition. Despite the intense competition, you had found a sense of camaraderie with the other dancers. You had all shared the same passion for dance and had bonded over the challenges you faced.

As you stepped out of your house, the warm sun greeted you, and you took a deep breath, feeling the fresh air fill your lungs. You made your way to the meeting spot, where your girlfriends were already waiting for you. The excitement was palpable as you all hugged and caught up on each other's lives.

As you walked through the town, you couldn't help but feel grateful for the simple pleasures in life. The laughter, the conversations, and the shared experiences were all reminders of the beauty of human connection. You explored new cafes, tried new foods, and took silly photos, all while enjoying each other's company.

As time went on, the crew members found themselves encountering more and more challenges each day. The weight of their class missions seemed to grow heavier with each passing moment, causing a sense of burden and exhaustion to settle over them. However, amidst the difficulties, there was an underlying tension that had nothing to do with their missions.

The crews had always been a tight-knit group, relying on each other for support and camaraderie. But lately, there was an unease that hung in the air, stemming from a seemingly trivial matter - the title of the worst dancer. It may have seemed insignificant to outsiders, but within the crew, it had become a source of anxiety and insecurity.

The main dancers, who were usually the ones in the spotlight, recognized the impact this label had on their fellow crew members. They understood the importance of inclusivity and wanted to ensure that everyone had a chance to shine. So, they made sincere efforts to cater to the needs of their teammates, stepping back and allowing others to take the coveted spotlight they yearned for.

However, amidst this atmosphere of support and understanding, a brewing issue between two crew members threatened to disrupt the harmony. Redlic, a talented dancer and a respected member of the crew, had been displaying behavior that some interpreted as supportive, while others suspected it stemmed from a lack of trust in Latrice, the main dancer of the class mission.

Redlic's actions were often seen as going above and beyond to help the other members. They would offer guidance, provide constructive feedback, and even take on additional responsibilities to ensure the success of the team. Some crew members admired Redlic's dedication and saw it as a sign of their commitment to the mission.

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