𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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December 9th

The marble felt cool against my skin as I looked out of the window, staring at the full moon, it felt so close that I could almost touch it. It was a special night it was a full moon in other words (Supermoon) which only occurres three times a year.

It's just a shame I have to watch it alone.

Hearing the clock tick. I glance back at it, hanging on top of the pantry door.

I sighed when I looked at the time "8:45" I whisper under my breath I cross my arms over my chest and hop off the counter and making my way to the bedroom.

I've already made dinner, cleaned the house, and ran errands today, since it's my free day I thought that I kept myself busy enough, and now I think I deserve a break that is until Jonathan gets home.

I should have taken my friend's up on that offer and go clubbing with them, I don't remember the last time I had a day to myself.

Jonathan always came home around seven sometimes even later if he has to attend some extra meetings.

Jonathan worked a ridiculous amount of hours and it left me home alone most of the time sipping on my own wine.

I always make sure he came back home to a tidy house and a home cooked meal other than that I feel incredibly lonely while he's gone

And because of those long lonely hours, I tend to get over my head.

There were times where I thought he was actually going behind my back and having an affair with his assistant or gambling but it was all just in my head. He proved all these things to be wrong at the end and all I could do was apologize to him.

He's proven that's he's committed to me and only me, that I know now. It took me two years to develop a sense of trust in Jonathan and I guess my lack of trust can be traced back to past relationships.

The thought of being stabbed in the back by someone I loved again would make me crazy, I don't take heartbreaks lightly because I can't say it ended very well for the last person who decided to break my heart...

But I know Jonathan's different than the other men that used to be in my life, it's a nice change of pace.

Jonathan was my knight and shining armor, he came into my life when I needed saving the most. I was in a very dark place in my life during the time I met him, the grief of losing my precious grandmother and grandfather in a car crash was too much bare on my heart.

To make matters worse my long time boyfriend of five-died soon after...

I remember his name, it's just on the tip of my tongue... "Joshua Campbell" we had had great times together, made lots of fun memories.

But made the very stupid mistake of trying to break things off with me especially while I was mourning. How insensitive and cruel.

Let's just say I didn't take it lightly I was at a point where I began to contemplate suicide as a means to escape from my pain, but I realized that I'm more my own pain.

So I decided to take care of him instead... Now I'd say im in a much better place than the place I used to be but I hope Jonathan doesn't make the same mistake as Joshua.

I never really mentioned anything about Joshua to Jonathan or my friends, and I don't think I ever will mention him.

He might be dead but I still think of him, how could I forget my first real relationship?

Anyways I got off track. Let's go back to about my blousing marriage.

Jonathan taught me how to be resilient he saw something in me that I never knew was there, he doesn't just love the exterior of me but the inside as well, he keeps me grounded and secured.

Now if you ask me that's a match made in heaven.

He plays a big role in my life as well as my family's. Besides his charisma he looks the part too, people always say we look great together because of our looks we make a beautiful couple.

Now if you ask me that's a match in heaven.

Of course I like being seen as the ideal couple and I love the attention as well but that's not always the case behind closed doors, and it's a shame.

During our two years of marriage together I realized something, that Jonathan always seemed to choose his own career over me, or at least that's what it feels like.

I want to be a supportive and understanding wife for him, but that's not always the case with me if something bothering me I'm going to make sure he knows it. I want to be the number one person in his life.

I don't like to nag him about it, because I'll just get under skin so I have to find other ways to let him know when something's bothering me.

But his reason for working long hours is because he's doing this to ensure our comfort and fine way of living. Right... "our fine way of living" I wonder if he still thinks we live in the 1950s because darling, we're way past that.

we live in a lavish house it's modern and luxurious almost like a penthouse. I always tell Jonathan that this house is missing something.

I don't push to much on the obvious, usually just telling him "we need to add some life into this house." What I'm really referring to kids.

Because what would Jonathan be without me? Nothing. I'm his million dollar wife, I'm the first person people come to talk to when we step foot at a gathering. People love me and admire me.

So, what better way to get adoration from others than babies?

I knew for a fact that I wanted them just think about all the happiness and admiration they would bring me, and if anything I love being loved.

The conversation never really came up between me and him only once or twice and that was before we were married.

But now it's as if he seems to get a bit stiff when we talk about that subject.

They aren't out of the picture we agree on having them one day, and I've made it clear that I wanted them, so I'll get them.

10.30 pm

I'm lying in bed flipping through channels seeing if I could find something interesting on television.

I've been watching the news all week, these days there's nothing good going on in the world.

I just decided to leave it at an old French film, I've always been enamored with the history of France. I remember taking a French class in my first year or college and now I'm practically fluent in it.

as I laid there I heard the door knob click. I couldn't help but smile to myself whenever I heard the door unlock I hopped off bed and walked out the bedroom and toward the foyer.

It's time to meet my husband.

𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐭.Where stories live. Discover now