birthday spankings.

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(Derek POV)

Every year on stiles birthday since the day I met him it's been the same attitude. All year he would be upbeat and clever. But on his birthday every. Fucking. Year. He would act like a self-righteous brat. BUT ONLY TO ME. He'd be the perfect little angel to everyone else but a complete brat to me. This year was his 19th birthday. He was sitting down on my couch with scott, Isaac, malia and Lydia. They were all talking about Stiles birthday plans. "I don't give a fuck what we do as long as we get to eat at like olive garden or something." Stiles said as he finished his drink. He then shook the drink and looked at Me. "Ice tea." He simply said then went back to talking with the others. I walk over and grab his cup "how do you ask?" I asked him and crossed my arms. "excuse me? Do I look like a fucking toddler? Get me sweet tea with ice Derek." He said and looked at me. I growled and got him his ice tea. Strike 1. It was 8 in the morning and he was already up to his shit. I handed him the glass and sat back down. After about a hour all but stiles had left. He was still on my couch sipping ice tea. I was fine with it as he would often stay here for hours on end if he had nothing better but he knew the rules. Never put his feet on my coffee table. And as he finished his ice tea he shook the glass "tea" he rang. I stood up and grabbed his cup. Right as I went to walk away he put his bare feet on my coffee table. "No ice." He mumbled. "Get your feet down now." I said and went to get him a drink. When I turned and saw them still on there and now on one of my books and immediately walked over and smacked his feet down. "Hey!" He exclaimed and looked at me. "I said get your feet down." I answered and gave him his drink. I sat back down and he glared at me. "It's my birthday." He grumbled. "That's why I texted you happy birthday when I woke up, and said happy birthday when you got here. Happy birthday stiles." I mumble as I read my book. After a while he left without drinking his drink. Later that, around 5 we were all at a restaurant in town. We all had ordered are drinks and appetizers. Only a few of us getting alcohol. I sat next to stiles while he was talking and eating. He looked so happy and cheerful. He was laughing and sipping on his drink. He knocked over his sliverware and cursed. "Hold on." He mumbled and pushed back on his seat. He got under the clothed table and grabbed his sliverware. But of course not without grab my balls gently. He got back up and sat down. He went back to talking and laugh like he didn't just cause me to have a boner. Strike 2. After awhile we all had are food and were eating while talking. I sat there trying to contain myself every time he'd brush my leg and bite his lip. After that it was around 9 PMand we all drove to his house to get high and watch a movie. Stiles rolled blunts with wolfsbane In them so we could get high. He turned on star wars and we all settled in. About a hour in I sneezed and he looked at me. "Shut the fuck up." He spat and went back to watching the movie. "Excuse me?" I asked and he looked at me again, more mad. "We're trying to watch a movie and your being loud." He said in a pissed off voice. "I was sneezing." I grumbled and he smirked. "Sounded more like a dog trying to scare the mailman." He said in a sassy voice and looked back at the movie. Strike 3, your out. I waited the next hour out. I went upstairs while he talked to Scott. I went to the bathroom and when I was done I walked into his room where he was. "What was that?" I asked and he looked at me from his bed. "Oh... your still here?" He asked in a uninterested voice. "Look stiles I'm done with this shit. All year we have no problems you and I but the second your birth day hits you act like a total bitch." I ranted. He smirked. "So? What you gonna go about it?" He asked in a teasing tone. "I am older then you and your alpha and Your going to show me some Damn respect." I explained and he stood up and got in my face. "Make me you old fuck." He spat with a smirk. I raised my eyebrows "excuse me? Say that again." I say slowly walking forward to back him into his bed. "I. Said. Make. Me." He snapped and I grabbed him by his hair. He yelped and I threw him on the bed. "You want me to make you? Fine." I took off my belt and before he could get up I sat down and threw him over my lap. "Derek!" He Called out but I swiftly snapped my belt on his ass. He gripped onto my arm and cried out. "Ah!" He cried. I pull my arm away and forced his head down. I continued to spank him with my belt as he sobbed and squirmed. After about 20 whips I let him go. He quickly got off me  and landed on the floor. He grabbed his burning ass and cried. "You wanted me to make you didn't you?" I cooed and he looked at me. Not with sadness or even anger. He looked at me with fear and arousal. He slowly sat on his knees and pouted. "Are you gonna boss me around?" I asked and he shook his head no. "How about grope me in a public setting." He looked away embarrassed and shook his head no again. "What about tell me to shut up in front of people?" I asked and he shook his head no. I grabbed his chin and forced him to look at me. He looked at me with that same look and bit his lip. "I'll see your tomorrow." I said and left him with a stinging ass and a lot of questions.

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