A little bit from your past | 0

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6 year old you..sleeping peacefully in your pink room on the bed filled with stuffed animals your mother got you
Your sister wasn't really in the picture after you turned 6 and your brother left for college not long ago either so it's been lonely at home, it was 3 Am and child you were asleep peacefully before you awoke to a loud bang and yelling..oh good, your parents were fighting again. You sat up and grabbed your favorite stuffy named wish, wish was a brown bear every child your age seemed to have, you crawled out of bed and quietly opened your door and saw the shadow of your parents yelling and throwing stuff. It was normal at this point   
A ritual for them to be like this, it's a surprise the cops haven't been called yet.  It's happened twice the neighbors called the cops but your parents just don't care, you slowly crawled back to your bed and covered your ears trying to fall asleep though it was rather hard with how loud they were, sometimes you wandered what normal parents were....ones who didn't fight or call each names, ones who loved each other but I suppose you'll never get to experience that, every child is born into every family for a reason. It might be a shit world at first but every child finds there escape one way or another.....

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