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my dreams & your dreams are alike ,
from an endless to the sleeper without rest
. . .  . . .  . . .  . . .

The Lucid Dreamer
written by llxcifers / izabela
•─────⋅ 𖤓 ⋅─────•

          WORD OF THE CREATOR RIDDLED IN THE STARS undying prophecies

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          WORD OF THE CREATOR RIDDLED IN THE STARS undying prophecies. Against the passage of time though, no whimper of fate escapes the erasure of forgetfulness. Even to Destiny of the Endless, sone truths have been forgotten; what were once sonnets, have been rendered into puzzling sentences without beginning and without end, or names floating in his Garden of Forking Ways — names that bare no face, no destiny or promise, as they only lay there waiting for the right stroke of time to resurface one of the forgotten hyms of fate.

One of those names that Destiny has been thinking about for so very long without however grasping remembrance of the origin of it was Alia.


Her own parents had described her before the doctors had even touched her unsealed skull as utterly restless — what would a child new to the world even have to be restless about? No doctors had come close to answering that inquiry and no matter what remedy they attempted to use for subduing the little girl before her hiccups stole her breath away for good, nothing worked. Nothing was strong enough to let her rest.

Growing in desperation while his daughter faded, Christopher Kane was forced to reconsider his youthful and premature decision of stepping back from the world of the arcane. Upon his child's fifth night without sleep, he called upon Malakai Grimaldi, a sorcerer known through a common acquaintance and praised within their society as one of their greatest minds seen in recent centuries.

The verdict came as soon as he stepped foot in the same room with the child — little Alia Kane was a beacon to nightmares; they circled her, taunted her, provoked her, because she smelled familiar to their kind. To them, she almost seemed like she belonged there, in The Dreaming, not in the land of mortals and awakened lives.

But to see her, a breathing and living bundle of limitless potential, not only sparked in Malakai a personal greed that would burst ablaze and gladly put to torch entire worlds, but also confirmed to him that the rumors he heard of Dream of the Endless' imprisonment.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2023 ⏰

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