Amber alert!

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(This is a idea board for Craig to write)

-The story gets to kel and Eve to sleep at night and around 2 in the morning a amber alert goes off saying " Do not trust those guards, They are here to experiment on people and kill people who disobey. If you see anyone with a white and purple colored suit and or a halo anywhere on them. RUN and HIDE anyone without a halo on them or a suit take them in with you and keep each other safe and hidden. Stay safe and collet water and food before they block it off. This amber alert won't stay up for more than a minute so screenshot what you can to alert others around!"

-Eve and kel get the alert and take a screenshot and take note of it

-both get worried but Eve will just get kel to brush it off for her and him to rest the night off since they are exhausted

- in the morning they are both careful to be anywhere near the bottom floor of the house windows and are careful

-eve filled up any jars around with water just in case the took the water away

-kel just helps by keeping an eye out for any guards and people

-day task ends at 9:32 or sometime late

-they eat dinner

-they head off to bed

-day ends

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