Conan the Barbarian - Pt. 2

101 3 7

Disclaimer: I. OWN. NOTHING.

WARNING: Ara ara vibes.

Author's request: Please comment me your opinions, criticism, what you like. It's very important to me.

Also, this is Jeeven-Deeven:

With the sword of Crom on his back and new warm clothes of fur Oscar entered a low canyon

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With the sword of Crom on his back and new warm clothes of fur Oscar entered a low canyon. It looked cold and gloomy, and there was something dreadful in the air. After some more time wondering there he came across a small cabin. He took his new sword off his back and approached carefully. The dusty curtain that served as its door was pulled aside; in the entrance stood none other than Jinn, as a human woman, sporting a short tight dress of leather and a fur cloak. She leaned her hand against the side of the doorway and gave Oscar a cold look.

Coco leaned back and whistled.

Qrow spat his drink. 'No way!' he cried

'That's...' started Weiss but immediately stopped herself from revealing the name to the Villains.

'It is!' cried Yang with shock.

Finally it clicked in Ruby's mind that she had the Lamp on her in the same room as her enemies. Though she assumed Jeeven-Deeven would not let them touch it, due to not allowing them to come close to anyone in the first place, her hand darted to her side, and it came in contact with something cold and cubical. She looked down and found a metal box encasing the Lamp, whose ring in its top still hat her belt running through it. On the box were a coded lock and a note:

This item is under the protection of Jeeven-Deeven-Deeven Dagadabo.

Suddenly she heard Jeeven-Deeven's voice in her mind. The code is 666, he said, which implies no... prejudice.

Ruby breathed with relief. But then something else came to her mind. She got up and walked over to where Ozpin was sitting and spoke in a low voice. 'Professor,' she said, 'if you were already here in the past, how come we didn't see anything of this place in the Lamp?'

Ozpin groaned, turned into Tesla Watt then back to Ozpin, and sighed. 'Either its knowledge is limited to our universe,' he said, 'or it's because you specifically asked what I was hiding from you, as in actively trying to prevent you from knowing.'

'What do you mean?' asked Ruby. 'That you wanted to tell us about Jeeven-Deeven?'

'No,' said Ozpin. 'It's more that I try to hide it from myself alone. I try my best to believe that everything I went through here never happened. But if someone else from our universe found out about Jeeven-Deeven, either directly or through me, and started telling everyone about it without adding anything about Salem or me, I would not try to stop them. It's really irrelevant for my goals.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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