Chapter 16. Addiction

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When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.

You swing open the front door.

You - I'm going to fucking kill you!

You run upstairs.


Niall and Harry are in the living room.

Niall - Oh no!

H - What's going on?!

They get up and run after you. You run into Louis' room and there he is...sleeping.


Louis turns around in bed.

Louis - Shhh I'm sleeping!

You - WTF! Why did you do me like that?!

You pull off the covers. Niall steps in between you and Louis' bed.

Louis - HEY! What the fuck are you yelling and pulling off my covers for?!

Niall - yeah, that's kind of messed up. Why are you pissed?

You - You posted the video! You are SO dead.

H - What video?!

You - The video of me AND all of you guys DANCING yesterday!

Harry and Niall turn to look at Louis.

Niall - really, mate?

Louis lets out a little chuckle!

Louis - It's funny guys!

You - Funny to OUT YOUR FRIEND?! There are so many things wrong in that video!

H - What do you mean?

Niall - Louis what did you do?!

You - let me tell you what he did!

You smile ironically.

You - Our sweet innocent little Louis here.

You point to Louis.

You - Posted a video where my face is shown. People know who I am now! People know...I know One direction. You took my privacy away!

Niall and Harry give Louis a death stare.

You - That's not even the worse part.


You - Harry is holding my hand in the video. We were laughing at Louis and Zayn dancing the cha cha cha.

Harry sighs disapointed.

You - Twitter is going crazy with accusations that I'M the girl Harry has been hanging out with and let me just say they are not being NICE!

Louis sits up still being weirdly comfortable and relaxed. Harry stands in shock.

Niall - Oh no! Wait, was I in the video?..

You look at him like "come on".

You - Yes and you might get some ships between you and Liam they think you might be getting together.

Louis lets out a little chuckle.

Niall - Really?!

He says believing you.

You - NO! Niall! People don't give a fuck. The only thing they care about is Harry not being available anymore! And to kill the person that made him unavailable. I'm getting so much hate and even DEATH THREATS!

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