Chapter 17. Friendsgiving

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When someone helps you and they're struggling too, that's not help, that's love.

- 9 hours before friendsgiving -

Sam - It's okay to say no. I can take it.

You - Sam, stop it! Of course, you are coming with me to my friendsgiving! You're my family!

Sam - Thank you, I will be right by your side then, baby.

You can feel his wink on the other side of the phone.

You - It's at 6.

Sam - Great, Love ya.

You - love you, big bro.

You hang up.

Niall - Who was that?!

You - Fuck!

You turn around fast, scared.

You - Just Sam. He is coming tonight.

Niall - Great!

He smiles.

You - It's okay right? That he is coming?

Niall - yeah, ofc! We love Sam!

You smile, thankful that he sees what you see in him.

Niall - i'm gonna go upstairs and lay down, i'm not feeling so good.

You nod and he runs upstairs.

- 8 hours before friendsgiving -

The front door slams shut, the sound echoing through the house, leaving an uneasy tension lingering in the air. Louis, Harry, and Zayn are out, and have been since last night.

You - Liam?

The sound of his door slamming upstairs draws your attention. Niall comes down the stairs with confusion and worry etched to his face.

Niall - What's going on with him?

You - I have an idea but I'll go talk to him. Could you grab a wet towel, a dry towel, a glass of water, some gum and a bucket with some water, please?

Niall nods while his brow furrows with confusion.

Niall - Sure...

You rush upstairs, to Liam's door and as you knock, a muffled response reaches your ears.

Liam - Y/n?

You - Yeah. Please, let me in.

The lock clicks, and the door swings open. Liam is on the floor surrounded by his own puke.

You - Oh, Liam.

Remaining calm, you sit beside him, gently pulling him into your arms as he breaks down.

Liam - I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I tried to stop, but... I just want the hurt to go away. It's hard. SO HARD!

You maintain a reassuring smile, attempting to bring a sense of calm to the chaos.

You - Please, just breathe. I'm here now.

You pause and look at the door. Niall stands in the doorway, his initial shock slowly transforming into concern.

You - WE are here now.

Acting quickly, you instruct Niall.

You - You should drink some water.

Niall hands Liam the glass of water you asked for, and you continue.

You - Do you have to throw up again?

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