Chapter 18. A group of idiots

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Never stop being a good person because of bad people.

- At 10 am -

You enter Margret's office, a safe space adorned with motivational quotes and a faint scent of lavender. You and Margret are settling in for a therapy session.

Margret - Good morning. How have you been since our last session?

You burst out laughing.

Margret - What?

You - Well, I'm still here, so... success?

Margret raises her eyebrows.

Margret - Do you have suicidal thoughts?

You - what? No! or doesn't everyone, sometimes.

You let out a little nervous chuckle.

Margret - What thoughts do you think everyone has?

You - Well, I don't know, i think everybody at one point has been consumed with a pain they just wanted to end.

Margret - like you?

You smile not knowing what to say.

Margret - What has happened since we last spoke? Where is the pain coming from?

You - What hasn't happened?!

You laugh.

Margret - How are things on the romance front? How are you and Harry?

You stop laughing and look down.

You - we decided to go back to being best friends. I have to work out my past before I can be in a relationship.

Margret - What is it you can't move on from?

You - Carl.

She looks at you waiting for you to explain it more in depth.

You - I just see him everywhere. When I look over my shoulder, he is there. When I am alone, he is there. When I do stuff every day, he is there. I just...I can never get a break. I'm constantly ready for him to jump out from under my bed, behind a bush or knock on my door. How do I let go of him?!

Margret leans back, contemplating your words. She adjusts her glasses, a thoughtful expression on her face.

Margret - It sounds like you're haunted by the memories and the fear of Carl. This constant anticipation of his presence is undoubtedly distressing. Have you considered seeking legal advice or protection to ensure your safety?

You - (nodding) Yeah, I have but no more than a consideration. I don't think the fear of him is real...I think he is living in my mind and not really in real life.

Margret leans forward, her gaze focused on you, analyzing your words.

Margret - It's not uncommon for traumatic experiences to leave a lasting imprint on the mind. The fear may persist, even if the physical threat is no longer present. Your mind has become a battleground, and understanding this is crucial to regaining control.

You - (thoughtful) So, what do I do? How do I stop this constant fear?

Margret - (supportive) Acknowledging that the fear is rooted in your mind is a significant step. It means we can work on changing the patterns of thought that keep Carl's ghost alive. Have you considered cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?

You - (curious) I've heard about it, but I don't really know how it works.

Margret - CBT focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns. We'll work together to reframe your perspective, helping you break free from the cycle of fear. It's about understanding that your thoughts shape your feelings, and in turn, your behavior.

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