Chapter 19. God, fate or the universe

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If it's meant to be, it will definitely be.

You're in the kitchen, at 3 pm, fixing yourself your favorite snack – a bowl of choco pops. Suddenly, a voice startles you.

H - Hi.

Swiftly turning around, you're met with a surprise.

You - Hey, how are you?

H - Shitty. You?

You - Shitty.

A smile breaks through the shared sentiment as eye contact is maintained.

H - Do you want to watch a movie? I thought maybe two friends feeling shitty apart could feel a bit less shitty together?

Another smile graces your face at the thoughtful offer.

You - I would like that.

H - Snacks?

You - Many. Drinks?

H - A lot.

Both of you share a laugh as you open the freezer for some ice cream, and he grabs chips and candy.

H - My room, your room, or the living room?

You - Yours.

You rush upstairs to his room. He places the snacks on the bed and hands you his computer.

H - What do you want to watch?

As he starts lighting some candles, a smile plays on your lips.

You - I don't know...

He sits down on the bed, and you observe him with a grin on your face.

H - Too much? I thought it could be cozy.

He says nervously. You laugh.

You - I don't mind...

He lays down in bed beside you and starts scrolling through suggestions on netflix.

H - What about "She's All That"?

You - I haven't seen that one. Go for it...

He turns it on, and you both settle in, feeling a bit awkward at first.

H - You good?

He laughs.

You - Yeah, yes...

You both share a laugh over the weirdness of being friends, fully aware that you both want to be each other's everything.

You - Can friends cuddle?

Harry smiles.

H - I don't mind...

You let out a little chuckle and lay your head on his chest. He wraps his arm around you.

- The movie finishes -

You sit up.

You - So, I have a crucial question for you...

He laughs.

H - Okay? Lay it out?

You - What's your favorite thing about movies?

He thinks a bit to himself.

H - The quotes.

You - What do you mean? Quotes?

H - Yeah, the quotes we all use to this day not knowing they come from these kinds of movies.

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