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THE 72nd HUNGER GAMES WAS A MEMORABLE ONE. The Capitol's Diamond was the lovely girl from District 10. Davina Carlisle charmed and allured the audience with her warm nature, sweet words, and delicate face. She made them laugh, made them feel sorry for her. She knew her performance could be the difference between life and death when she entered the arena. Davina was not cruel nor blood thirsty, it was when her fellow male tribute turned on her and she fought for her life against someone she knew from school. Davina cut his throat, and shortly thereafter, succumbed to madness.

          After her victory, she returned back to District 10 a completely different person. Her once loving and inviting personality turned cold and sharp as a blade.

          Davina had to endure the Capitol another year, and so on until another from District 10 was crowned a winner. She was a mentor. It truly put her in a state of shock to relive the games on the outside, whilst trying to give life saving advice to the tributes from 10, both whom she knew from back home. They were younger, but not by much.

          During her mentorship, she was introduced to Finnick Odair. She remembered the name and his survival during the 65th Hunger Games. He and she bonded over their shared innocence being stolen from them and forced to perform and murder against their will for survival. Finnick was much better at masking his disdain for the Capitol. Davina had no desire to be a performer in their show any longer, and acted as such.

          After a night of conversations by the fireplace, they came to be closely knit. A spark of attraction. Davina was younger and Finnick was respectful. Their residences in different districts also complicated matters.

          When the games were over, and they returned with no victors for their district, it was bittersweet. There would be no Victory Tour. Davina remembered hers well, and how it tormented her to tour the districts and give her condolences and yet thanks to their contributions. If that ever made any sense at all to her.

          District 10 was the only place she felt content. Never truly happy, but it was home. The place where she wasn't treated like a Capitol spectacle.

          Davina survived another year of mentoring with no victors, an odd outcome of two victors stunned but impressed her. Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark from District 12 were smart. The Capitol was entranced with their star-crossed lover play. Davina wondered if it was real or not.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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