Chapter 4 : Final Selection

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Urokodaki POV

"They passed. I can't believe they cut the boulder!" I watched them chat as if the day had just ended and nothing exciting had happened. "Tanjiro, Kyoka. I know who turned Nezuko into a demon." They stopped and turned to me as if anything they had been talking about meant nothing. "The demon that turned Nezuko into a demon is named Muzan Kibutsuji. I think he might know how to turn her back into a human." The two nodded in silence and continued to talk. "They have no idea." I thought.

-Mini Timelapse-

"We'll be heading out now Urokodaki!" Tanjiro said to me. "Make sure you take care of Nezuko!" Kyoka yelled while they were beginning to walk away. "And tell Sabito and Makomo that we said thanks for everything!" They both yelled. "Tanjiro, Kyoka. How do you know the names of those dead children?" I thought.

Kyoka POV

"So, the guy that ruined Tanjiro's life is named Muzan huh?" I thought to myself. We had been walking for a while now and didn't have much to talk about. We were both nervous and I could feel it. As much as we didn't want to admit it, we were. "Are you nervous?" Tanjiro asked abruptly. "Yeah." I said in a soft voice. "But we can do this! Remember everything you ever learned, and we should be fine!" I said in a cheerful voice. Tanjiro just looked at me for a moment and smiled. "Yeah, we can do this!" He said.

We finally made it to Mount Fujikasane. The site of the final selection. There were so many wisteria flowers. "Shouldn't they be out of season?" I thought. They were pretty but it was a little unusual. We walked up the steps and saw a ton of people. They were all participating. There were two twins in front of the whole crowd. They seemed to know that everyone was there because when we entered, they immediately began to announce what we would be doing. "Greetings everyone. Welcome to the final selection where you will have to brave seven days on this mountain. This mountain is full of demons that other demon slayers have trapped here. The demons hate wisteria flowers so they cannot leave the mountain." They were creepy when they talked in sync.

We began the final selection as soon as they were done. Tanjiro and I immediately came across 2 demons. We made quick work of them though. "We must be heading to the part of the mountain that the sun will hit first." I thought as I followed Tanjiro.

After a lot of walking, I was hit with an awful smell. "What is that horrible smell!?" I asked Tanjiro who I could tell could smell it too. "I'm not entirely sure." He replied. We both stopped. Nearby there was a nasty-looking demon following two people. "That thing is ugly as heck!" I looked at it in disgust. I followed Tanjiro behind a tree. One of the guys was a goner. Knowing Tanjiro though he jumped in to save the guy. I rolled my eyes and jumped in to help. "This demon is so weak." I thought as I was dodging every attack. "You two are Urokodaki's students, aren't you? I can tell by your fox masks." The demon laughed. Then he described the strongest of those who had fought him. "He's talking about Sabito and Makomo!" I realized as he was describing their characteristics. "They helped us because they knew we would come across this demon!" I thought while dodging another one of his arms. "You talk too much." I scoffed, trying to sound like a stuck-up snotty person. Fortunately, it worked. The demon brought his full attention to me and while he was attacking me, he didn't notice Tanjiro behind him. Tanjiro quickly went in for the kill and came out successful. But as the demon was dying, I noticed a sad look in his eyes. It was the look of sorrow and despair. I felt sorry for the life it had to live.

-Mini timelapse-

Tanjiro POV

"We made it!" I exclaimed when we made it back. Kyoka and I had tried multiple times asking demons who Kibutsuji was and where we could find them. But they only seemed to care about eating us. "Only 5 of us made it back!?" I thought. Seeing only 3 others. The two twins that had talked in the beginning were back and were telling us all about demon slayers. We got crows which was interesting, and we had to pick ore for our Nichirin Swords. There was one guy who had an anger issue though. "WHERE IS MY SWORD!?" He yelled at one of the twins as he was grabbing their hair. Of course, Kyoka intervened and threatened to break his arm and she almost came close to doing so. After that, we started our walk home.

-mini timelapse-

Kyoka POV

"Just a little further." I croaked as Tanjiro, and I were struggling to get back to the house. We were close. I remembered the way we had come when we first got there. The sun was setting, and I was ready to give up. We had come a long way, and our legs were about to give out. "We've got to keep going!" Tanjiro said. I managed to smile. He always knew how to keep someone going.
-MINI Timelapse-

We were close to the house now. I could see it. But it felt like I had to climb a mountain to get to the house. But just then Nezuko kicked down the door and came bounding towards us. My eyes filled with tears. She hadn't been awake for 2 years and now she finally was. Tanjiro got a little excited and fell. I wouldn't have blamed him though. After all, Nezuko was his sister. Nezuko embraced him and Urokodaki came out. They all stood in a hug. I stood there, feeling like this wasn't a hug for me. I felt alone, rejected, and even a sense of hate. Urokodaki clearly noticed this and motioned me to come join. I reluctantly joined in.

-mini timelapse-

We were sitting down enjoying a cup of tea when a knock at the door came. Tanjiro, always first to do anything, stood up and went to the door. I couldn't quite tell who was at the door, but I knew the guy had a Hyottoko mask on. I eyed Urokodaki who was listening in on the conversation. I decided to just wait. After a few minutes outside, Tanjiro and the stranger came in. He immediately looked at me and said: "You must be the girl with strange kunai knives!" I wasn't sure if it was a compliment. So, I simply nodded my head. He turned his attention back to Tanjiro. Which I was thankful for. I learned that Nichirin Swords change color based on the wielder. Tanjiro's was jet black. The stranger was looking forward to seeing a red sword and started tackling Tanjiro. But just then our crows appeared saying: "Tanjiro! Kyoka! You must head to a town in the north! Young girls are disappearing! GO and beware!" "Our first job as demon slayers! This ought to be fun." I thought.

" I thought

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