Chapter Three

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Lucy walked into the office with all the paperwork for the meeting.

"You ready ma'am?" She asked.

"As I will ever be. What is this meeting for?" Alice questioned.

"I do not know ma'am. All I know is that it is with Mr. Waylon Reyes. I think your father set up the meeting," Lucy trailed off once she looked up from her notes. "Miss. Alice, are you okay?"

Before she could say anything Alice had to clear her throat. "Yes, Lucy, I'm fine. Thank you for checking on me. Let's get the meeting started."

"Yes ma'am." Lucy held the office door open for her. "If you need me just send me the code phrase."

Alice smiled a real smile for the first time since Jamie passed. She wanted to know what Waylon wanted. The last time she saw him their families were fighting over something. She remembered missing him for months after the fights and mama telling her to forget that he existed. Before she knew it they were at the door for the conference room.

"Again, just let me know if you need me ma'am," Lucy said while handing over the paperwork.

"I will. Thank you again Lucy," She pulled open the door and walked in.

She took in the boy she hasn't seen in over fifteen years. The boy she missed for years.

"So, I see your time management is still bad," Waylon said from the other side of the table.

"I do apologize for that. My mother called and sadly I am not you so I can't avoid her." Lucy placed the paperwork down. "What do you want Prince of Darkness?"

"So, you know about that?" He questioned back at her.

"Yes, I took over the family business in all aspects so I know all of it. All but why our families are no longer friends or why you are here. I want an answer now or you're not walking out of this room. Hell, your mother might even learn what it is like to bury a child."

Waylon barked out a laugh. "They really didn't tell you? Well, Beauty, I am here to woo you over."

Alice couldn't believe she just heard what she was just told. "What do you mean?"

"I am here to win you over and to get you to marry me. That is also why our families stopped talking. They wanted us to be a couple since we were younger. It would be a strong alliance. Only, it wasn't you who fell in love with me."

"You never hung out with Jamie. She didn't want anything to do with you. She couldn't stand you or you her."

"Oh I am fully aware. We attempted to kill each other. But, no, not her. It doesn't matter who it was. All that is important is that we have to convince our parents we attempted but we couldn't make it work."

"Wait, what?" Lucy couldn't believe what she was hearing. Make their parents believe that they attempted but they just "didn't work" her parents wouldn't believe that.

"Yes, if we 'attempted' and gave it a true half assed attempt then I think that they would believe us." Waylon explained.

"And how do you propose we make this work?" Alice asked. She pulled out her phone and texted Lucy.

"We truly go on dates and attend functions together and about six months in we make it seem like we are going sideways."

Lucy knocked on the door.

"Look, I will think about it for a couple of days and will let you know. Just leave your number with my assistant and I will get back to you. Any questions at this time?"

"Yeah, what if I want to get a hold of you or send flowers? You know, to make this look real?" Waylon took a step her way.

"You have no need to do either of those so just wait for me to get a hold of you on if we are going forward or not. Thank you for the idea and your time. Have a great day."

Before she could walk away she heard him sigh. "It was great seeing you All. It's been a while."

She walked out the door before anything else could be said.

"Everything okay?" Lucy questioned her while taking the paperwork.

"Yes. Lucy call the car to the front, cancel my appointments for the day, and get Mr. Reyes' number. I am going home for the day. I don't feel good."

"Yes ma'am. I will also have bread and juice delivered before you get home."

"Thank you. Also, after those tasks go home for the day with pay. You deserve it."

"Thank you ma'am. I hope you feel better."

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